The Christmas note (chapter 28)

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After Bells bath Charlotte helped her get dressed into a clean diaper then put her in a  cute red and white candy can onesie tjay hasong sleeves. She even put bell in some Christmas Grinch pants.

Bell smiled as she sat on the toilet seat, Charlotte started to dry and brush Bells hair putting them in low pigtails. Bell kicked her legs as she hummed.

"Alright little lady! All done. " she smiled "are you excited? " Charlotte said as she picked Bell up, holding her on her hip as she opened the bathroom door taking Bell to the couch and sitting on it putting Bell next to her.

Bell turned her head confused "exciteds?.. For what's? " she asked. She hadn't realized it was even close to Christmas, she had only been there a month so she kinda forgot about it.

Charlotte ruffled Bells bangs and smiled "Christmas you silly bunny "

Bells eyes widen "what's? Is Christmas?! I don't remember it being so close--'

Charlotte leans back on the couch and turned on the TV " Mm in a few days it's Christmas bun bun, Santa is gonna bring you a lot of gifts are you excited? I think you've been a good girl " she smiled.

Bell looked down for a minute, she felt like crying because this would be her first Christmas without her family. Charlotte sighs and hugs Bell gently

"I'm so sorry hun.. I know this must be hard.. Here I'll talk to your Dada and see if he will let you write then a letter ok bunny? "

Bells eyes widen and she smiled slightly. She nodded and hugged Charlotte back holding back tears.

"Now let's watch some movies to get in the holiday mood hm? " Bell smiled and nodded.

Charlotte turned to Disney Channel, they were playing some Christmas movies right now so she left it on there. "Here I'm gonna talk to uncle Ray and Dada ok? You stay put? " Bell nodded and she found sprinkles already on the couch. She seemed to be dressed in a little Christmas outfit. This made Bell smile slightly as she hugged her.

Charlotte got up heading into the kitchen she sighs and sees Ray and Lance talking and laughing about something, something about old memories.

Charlotte coughs looking at the two, soon as she did they looked at her.

"So you two.. I have a idea to make this Christmas, a bit better for our sad little bunny, you may not like it but I think.. Let's let Bell write a letter to her family? Make sure everyone wears gloves so no ones dna gets on it ok? Just, something to make this first Christmas not so hard on her"

Lance glared at her for a second before taking a deep breath and thought about it. He nodded "You know what, why not I say let's do it. She deserves to be happy anyway, that's why I brought her here.. So let's do it" he smiles

Ray looked at the two as if they were crazy but nodded "Alright I guess. Just gotta make sure we are carefully " Lance and Charlotte both nodded and smiled.

"Alright then, Lance you get the Paper and pen and some stickers, Ray you get the elf on the shelf and put him somewhere and I'll distract Bell. Sounds like a plan? "

"Yes ma'am! " Ray and Lance said at the same time chuckling. They all left the kitchen going to do what they had been told. Charlotte walked over to Bell and sat by her.

Bell was deep into the movie , she was hugging sprinkles and laying down on the couch, she was sucking on a paci she found on the couch.

Charlotte smiled "hi bunny.. So dd said you can write a letter, after that do you maybe wanna write a letter to Santa? "

Bells eyes lit up and she looked at Charlotte she giggled and nodded happily and clapped her hands slightly. She seem to been in space right now. Or was this just a act? For now Charlotte wouldn't know.

"See! I told you auntie Charlotte always has your back" she kissed Bells for head and grabbed a Care Bear blanket that was folded on the left part of the couch and threw it over Bell gently to keep her warm. The windows were covered right now so Bell hadn't seen that it was snowing so she figured it was just cold.

((Hey guys ik I'm late I'm really sorry, life has just been.. Crazy heh but here is a short chapter for now! I'll try and write the Christmas chapter tomorrow!))

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