Alex is meany (chapter 16)

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As Bell colored her eyes soon left the paper when she heard a phone go off. Lance looked over at her then his phone and picked it up but before he could answer she threw a pencil at him "Hay! You said you would put it speaker! Only way I will trust you! " she wasn't gonna trust him at all but she needed to know what the last phone call was about.

He just looks at the phone for a minute "f.. Fine.. Just, stay claim... Please" he sounded worried as he answered there was loud music coming from the phone along with a lot of people talking in the background, then all of a sudden a deep voice came over the phone

"You killed that bitch today!? " the man sounded loud trying to talk but it sounded like he was in a club.

Her eyes widen and she stayed quite she was shaking, but Lance starts to talk.

"Listen you need to stop calling.. I don't know why you want her dead! I gave you the money back, I'm no longer a hit man ok. Besides she never did anything to you, she is harmless. Why did you even care if she is dead?! " Lance sounded annoyed.

The man spoke "who the hell do you think you are!? Fine whatever I'll be happy to take my money back! And if she isn't dead she won't every leave me alone! Annoying bitch.. Always acting like a baby, you think from me beating her she would get a hint! Fuck sake I even stabbed her once and she still stayed! She is so annoying like who the fuck at 18 acts like a baby!! She is sick! The world is better off without her! So just do everyone a favor and kill her! --" Lance hung up and looked at Bell. She was frozen still.

Tears falling down her face, she soon realized who was the one talking on the phone.. It was her "boyfriend".

" w.. Was.. Was that.. -"

He walks over and sits on the floor in front of her then holds her hands. He nods "I'm so sorry bunny.. That's why I didn't want you to hear.. I didn't want to hurt you, you deserve better so I took you. I love you bunny and only wanna help you"

She started to cry more as her body shook "a.. Alex w-would never wanna kill me.. W.. Why, why is he saying all that-" she started to hicup "he.. He is right I am a.. A freak I am sick.. I should have just listen to him all the times he said to do it.. " she started to cry hysterically. "A... Alex is.. Is a meany.. He is mean! " she covers her face crying into her hands

His eyes widen and he cups her cheeks "bunny! No he is not right! I promise bunny, he is a horrible person, he abused you everyday bunny! I didn't even know that part until know.. I'm so sorry.. He doesn't deserve you, he is trash bunny. He hurt you, he doesn't deserve your love.. Your perfect the way you are! " he looks into her eyes.

But she couldn't hold but just cry and cry, but soon enough she cling to his arms and he pulled her into a hug "shhh.. It's ok love bug.. I know it hurts but it will be ok, he can't hurt you.. " she cried into his chest, be picked her up and sat down sitting her on his lap and holding her.

She couldn't handle everything that just happen, she was so overwhelmed. Her brain went straight into being small, she just couldn't handle it and her brain knew she needed something to protect her.

"Hay bunny, would you like me to get your juice? I promise it can help just gotta breath first ok? " he pets head. She nods and tries to take a deep breath

"A.. Ands pacis pwease?.. "

His eyes widen, a bit shocked how she sounded and that she wanted her paci. But he nods "of course lovely, anything for you" he stands up laying her down on the couch and grabbing the blanket covering her up, he walks to the kitchen. As he does she grabs her stuffie bunny and held it tight, she was still crying but slowly claiming down.

He comes back with a pink sippy cup in his right hand and a pink and blue care bear paci in his left "I got them love, can you sit up for dada please? "

She nods and sits up, holding the blanket and the bunny close to her, he puts the paci on the coffee table and hands her the sippy but she nods no"nu uh.. "

"Hm? What's wrong bunny do you not want it now? " she shook her head no

"Nus.. I wants.. "

"Hmm.. Oh! I know, do you want me to hold it for you? ' she nods and he smiled " of course bunny, open wide" she opens her mouth and he puts the sippy cup nipple in her mouth, he holds it for her as she drinks. Once it she was half way done he puts it down sitting by her then grabbing the paci and she opens her mouth again, he pops it in her mouth and smiled a little.

"Feeling better bunny? " she nods and rubs her eyes with the blanket

"D.. Dada.. Cans I watch scarys movies?.. They ish fun to watch"

His eyes widen at the name but he smiled and He chuckled. He pets her head "you sure love? You might get scared "

She nods "I ish sures dada! I big girl! And I has dada if I dos get scared! " she giggled. He smiled and kissed her for head "aw, well I promise I will protect you" he grabs the remote and puts on the first Friday the 13th, she giggled and clapped her hands a little

"Yays! Thank yous dada! " she crawled over closer to him and laid her head in his lap watching the tv and clinging to the blanket and bunny stuffie. He smiled and plays with her hair

"No problem hunny bunny, say have you named your little long ear friend there? " she giggled

"I has nots , that funny name long eara! " she giggled "dada silly" he laughed

"I agree, dada is silly. How about hops or sprinkles? "

She nods her head fast and smiles "I likes them both! She ish now sprinkles hop! " she giggled and hugs the bunny now named sprinkles ,tight to her chest.

He nods his head "that's a lovely name, such a smart little one" she smiled and kicked her legs a little.

As some time goes by it had already been through half the movie and Bell had fallen asleep, he was still awake tho. It was the middle of the day so he wasn't sleepy much, just more or less worried about her.

He let's her head lay on his lap and stays still so she wouldn't wake up, he watches the movie as well but keeps a eye on Bell just in case she wakes up or drops her paci. He was happy she finely opened up, but he wasn't happy it had to happen this way, her finding out about Alex was to much for her.

what do you guys think of this chapter? Would u guys like bell to keep fighting Lance in the next chapter or should she start to open up more about her little side and let him baby her? What would u guys like to see! ^^

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