First class (chapter 3)

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Lance panicked for a minute but quickly snapped out of it and thought of something.

" Oh, well I didn't know it was your nickname.. I just saw the ears and thought it was cute so I thought I call you that, is that ok? "

She sighs in relief 'I shouldn't freak out so much.. 'She thought to her self
"Ohhhh hehe my bad.. I just am all over the place today I guess, but of course I don't mind. I usually get called that anyway heh. " she laughed nervously

He chuckled "it's alright, you alright though? You seem really nervous, I promise everyone here is nice and if they aren't to you just tell them you know me and they will leave you be"

"Ya, I am just nervous I guess.. And really? " she giggled "so I assume your well known around here then? "

Lance's face turned a light pink as she giggled. 'God.. She is do damn cute it's driving me insane... ' he thought before answering her question.

"Yep, pretty much. But not for a lot of good things to be honest. People just think I'm scary because I got into a fight with a teacher once.. He crossed a line and they wanted to act like they couldn't see it so I took care of it"
He mumbled as they soon stop at work class room, the door was black and the numbers "145" on it

"Ahh, well who cares what they think. Besides I don't think you look scary, and I think that teacher deserved it. I've had teachers... Who deserves a lot worse then just a fight but eh what can I do" she stops and looked at the door. She takes a deep breath "fi.. First class.. " she mumbled. Her body started to shake, she could feel her stomach twist and turn into a not. She felt like she was gonna be sick.

Lance looked down at her and could see she was shaking. He gently held her face and made her look at him "hay, bunny.. It's gonna be ok I promise" he smiled "just take a few deep breaths for me alright? No one will hurt you I promise" he pets her head a little.

Bells face turned w light pink as she looked up at him, her stomach felt like butterflys where moving around in there. She never felt someone comfort her like this before. She was a bit shocked . She nodded "al-alright.. Thanks lance--" she smiled. She started to take a few deep breathe, starting to feel better.
She didn't understand why this, this stranger was being so nice to her.

He smiled "see? You did such a good job! " he let go
"Feeling better bunbun? " she nodded yes. Her blush started to be more easy to see. That's when lance stopped and stared at her, he got red then looked away
'Fuck.. She is so precious , why can't I just take her home now.. ' he thought to him self before claiming down

"Alright bunny, come on" he slowly turns the doorknob

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