phone call (chapter 12)

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As the day had pass it was around 6 at night and bell was on the couch hugging her knees while having the bunny stuffie by her and the paci on the floor. she was still holding back yelling and crying at Lance.

Lance walked into the living room and sat by her "Bunny, I know your probably hate me but I promise this is all for the good" he pets her head but soon as she felt his fingers touch her head she flinched.

He sighs "I'm not gonna hurt you love I promise" Bell stays quite as the man speaks. But soon she moved down the couch away from me.

"Whatever... " she kept her eyes on the TV, her tone sounded cold.

Lance looked down at her and got back up,  deciding to give her more space. He walked to the kitchen to grab something before his phone rang.
Bells eyes widen as she heard a phone, this was her chance she thought.

Lance had picked up the phone, he seemed to be annoyed now. But just as he was about to speak bell screamed "HELP I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!! HELP ME!! " lance looked over at her, not faced at all with the screaming. This just made her heart sink.

Who every he was on the phone was apart of the whole thing. Meaning that was a lost coast. Bell groans and covers her face as she looked down, but she did start to listen to Lance talk to who every was on the phone.

"Listen Jack ass, I'm doing you a favor and me and you have the nerves? Your lucky I don't just beat the shit out of you-" he got cut off and went slightly

He then let out small laugh "Ha! Please go ahead. Call them, I'll make sure to tell them what you told me and what you wanted me to do. I'm not gonna just off someone! I care about her unlike your selfish ass. I'm not like you. I love her for everything she is and want to take care of her. But people like you make me sick. " he hung up the phone before It went slightly.

Bells eyes filled with tears as she heard every word Lance had said. Was he talking about
Her? Well of course, who else could he be talking about. She started to panic "O.. Off someone?.. Me?. " she mumbled to her self, thinking she was gonna get killed.

Lance walked in the living room, but his eyes widen in shock seeing her cry, "oh no... " he mumbled as he walked to her "did you hear that?... I swear love bug I am not gonna hurt you or kill you, it was just a business call with someone is all-" bell pushed him

"Y-you lier! " she yelled at him

"Love bug... I'm not.. I promise, that person is a bad person who wanted to do bad stuff but I'm not them they won't hurt you, no one will I promise. "

She sniffles "i-i don't care! You kidnap me then did all this a-and now talking about murder! " she started to throw toys at him

He groans as a toy had hit his face. He sighs and stands up"love come on calm d-" she cut him off

"No!! Next time they call I wanna hear! Everything!! I-i don't believe you won't kill me until then! "

Lance eyes widen "h.. Honey that wouldn't be a good i-"
"Do it!! " she screamed at him.
He seemed like he was trying to hide something from her but he knew it would hurt her

He sighs "ok fine.. But you have to claim down, please?.. "

She rubs her eyes as she sits back down slowly "f.. Fine! " she looked away from him, but just then she could feel she had to go to the bathroom, she got up fast but lance stopped her

"What's wrong love? "

"I-i gotta go!.. W-where is the bathroom?! "
Lance shook his head

"No bunny, your a baby you gotta use the diaper ok? It's only to help you feel more small and comfortable I promise, besides it's not like it's gonna be sexualized or anything I promise"

Her eyes widen "w-what!? No way! I am not u-useing a diaper! T-thats gross! "

"Then you gotta hold it. And holding it in isn't good bunny, please I promise I am only doing this because I care. If I catch you trying to go to the bathroom in the hallway you are gonna get time out and no tv ok? No toys either. " he gives her a stern and strict look. His eyes made bell whimper and she looked down

"N.. Not fair! " she yelled as she kept looking down

"All fair love" he chuckled and pet her head as he went to the kitchen "I'm gonna finish cleaning the mess in the kitchen so behave ok? " he looked at her before walking in the kitchen.

Bell just nod as she sat back down on the couch and crossed her legs trying to hold it in, she looked at the tv trying to distract her self but it wasn't working she was to focus on going to the bathroom but she kept holding it in .

She groans as she keeps her legs crossed and looked at the tv. Until she felt something...

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