Bathtime bunbun (chaper 15)

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As morning came Lance had woken up early, around 8 in the morning and had went to the bathroom taking a shower, after he had got into some clean clothes, black rip pants and a dark blue shirt, he let his hair air dry as well.

Once done with all that he walked into the kitchen getting plates and a new sippy cup ready for Bell. He started to get things ready for breakfast.

Whilst all of this was happen Bell had woke up around 9 in the morning. She yawned and stretched as she sat up, she looked around to hopes everything from the day before was a dream but that hope got crushed once she saw the bars of the crib and saw it was all to real. She groans trying to hold back tears "dammit... " she sniffles and rubbed her eyes.

She soon hears footsteps coming down the hallway before hearing the door open, she lays back down and pretends to be asleep but Lance walks up to the crib and chuckled "you can't pretend to be asleep love bug, I know when your faking" he picks her up but as soon as he did she pushed at him trying to kick her legs "n-nu uh! Let me down damn it! "

He popped her bum pretty hard "we don't swear bunny-" he said in a stern tone. Her eyes started to fill with tears, call her a cry baby but even she knew crying was something she couldn't control. I mean can you blame her? Look at her situation.

"D-dont do that! " she sniffles after yelling at him

"Bunny, do you need another pop? Don't yell ok love? " bell goes quite and just shook her head no "f.. Fine.. " she mumbled and let him pick her up. He started to walk out the room holding the small girl but she notice he made a right turn instead of going straight to the living room "huh?... " she looked up at him confused

"You need a bath bunbun, it's been almost two days and you haven't had one so we are gonna get you all clean up" he smiled and kissed her for head.

Her eyes widen and she shook her head fast "n-no way! Y-your not bathing me! Creep! "

"Bunbun it's not like that, besides I got some bubbles and bath toys for you to so that way you aren't fully board" she nods no again

"Your not getting out of this one bunbun" he sits her down the tub side before grabbing a pink towel, Bell got up and ran to the bathroom door but before she could open it he grabbed her "bunbun!" He grabbed her and held her up, she kicked and cried "n-nu bath!! " he sighs and sits her done then shutting the door. Bell looked up at him with puppy dog eyes filled with tears.

"Ok.. How about this. You can wash your self today but this won't be a every day thing ok bunny? I trust your a big girl enough for NOW and only now. So I'll get your clothes and a diaper for you ok? "

She sniffles and nods as she rubs her eyes "m-mm! ... " she looked up at him and he pets her head before leaving the bathroom and leaving the towel with her. She sighs in relief and gets undress as she gets in the tub and starts a shower.

Lance had locked the door from the outside and now was going to her room to grab her some new clothes and diaper

(The outfit and diaper, she also has pink thigh highs socks)

(The outfit and diaper, she also has pink thigh highs socks)

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