His love (chapter 18)

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After the whole event with Bell finding out Alex wanted to kill her and her finally being small in front of Lance, going far as even calling him Dada, but that won't last long. Of course she would snap back into reality but when, that is for you to find out.

It was the morning after yesterday, the sun was rising and Lance had made breakfast for Ray, him and Bell. Ray had today off thankful to, it was Saturday so meaning Ray and Lance had two days off of work and school.

Whilst Lance was making breakfast he was thinking about how he has to go back to school Monday.. It didn't make him happy, he was to nervous about letting Bell leave his sight and so deep into thought that he hadn't noticed the eggs were burning until it burn his hand. His eyes widen "FUCK! " he yelled as he let go of the pan, it dropped to the floor he then turned the stove off before grabbing a hand towel hitting the little bit of fire until it was out.

He sighed and looked at the mess now, hand towel burn and on the floor along with the burnt eggs on the floor now along with the pan. "Fucking Crist get a old of your self... She will be ok" he holds his head a little and sighs. But not to long after that Ray ran from his room to Lance

"Hey what the hell happened are you ok?! " he was still in pjs and his hair was messy, along with glasses on his face. 

"I'm fine.. Just been, all over this morning" Ray sighed and walked over helping cleaning the mess.

"Worried about her? " he asked as he put the pan in the sink.

Lance just looked at the eggs picking them off the floor "ya.. Kinda. I trust him to watch over her but, at the same time I wanna be by her side all the time, you don't understand Ray. It's like.. I love her yes but it's more then that, when I'm not around her mind feel.. Crushed" he picked up the eggs throwing them away.

"And every since yesterday she, well.. I feel bad I didn't want her to melt down and be smol because she was so upset, I'm glad I got to see her smile and be smol but yesterday.. It ripped her heart out all because of that, that ass hole. " he was starting to get more angry but sighs and shakes his head a little.

Ray watched as Lance talked, he walked to him putting his hand on his little brothers right shoulder "I know Lance but, she was bound to find out. It's better now then never. I hate that she got hurt to.. But in the end she was gonna find out. So for now all we can do is keep her safe and be there for her, make her happy you know? "

Lance nodded "yeah..I just hope I can make her as happy as she has made me, yesterday was so confusing but, it will be ok. Just gotta, keep her safe " he smiled a little but then he got a sick thought about Alex. He was a hitman after all so it wouldn't be hard to take him out.  Ray could read his face like a open book. He knew what he was thinking.

"Lance. I know you wanna kill him, trust me I do to but we can't. Besides not yet anyway... People know Bell is missing. If he goes missing they will find some how how he contents with us and then bam. We can't take care of Bell behind bars Lance. "

He looked over at his older brother "fine. But when we can I'm going for it" he goes walks out the kitchen "I'm gonna clean up and baby prove some things before we wake Bell up, I'll let her sleep in since the day she had yesterday was already a lot.. Just make breakfast please"

Ray nodded as he turned and walked to the stove, pulling out a new pan and some pancake mix along with some other stuff.

As Ray cooked Lance would clean up the living room and locking the doors and windows along with covering them up for now. He turned on the TV to the kids Disney Channel morning shows before he put the remote down.

He soon got done with locking everything and went right back to the kitchen, when he walked in Ray had finished making everyone pancakes and bacon along with juice in everyone's cups and apple juice in Bells pink sippy cup, it had see through rainbow two handles and white bunnies on the sippy cup.

Lance smiled "everything smells and looks good. Thanks Ray. I'll go get Bell so I'll be back"

Ray nodded "alright I'll put everyone's plates and cups on the table "
Lance walked off to the down stairs basement as Ray got everything set

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