walking / stalking (chapter 5)

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As the day goes by bell and lance happen to have the same classes, bell didn't think to much of it but lance, no he was all to deep into it. He took it as a sigh. Maybe it was? Who knows.

At the end of the day around 2:30 in the afternoon everyone started to leave the class. Bell was in her math class with lance around this time.

She had open the door and was getting ready to walk into the hallway until Lance came over and tapped her shoulder

"Hey bunny! Do you mind if I walk you home? It's odd request I know but I figured it will gives us more time to get to know each other!"

Lance said with a happy smile, he looked so happy and excited, as much as she got a weird feeling she didn't wanna be rude, and after all he did help her.

"Sure why not! Seems like a fun idea, besides I would be walking alone and I hate that so let's go for it" she smiled looking up at him.

About 10 minute later Bell and Lance we're out to school building and gate now walking down a sidewalk along the road, barely any cars had past.

There was a bit of silence until Lance said something first "so bunny, what made you come to sunshine road? I mean it's a weird school I know some people think it's just a dumb people but it has its perks" he smiled

"Well I got kicked out my last school.. " she sighs "I had some issues with one of the teachers who was trying to 'keep me after class' or so he says, he is a perv but he is still working there"

Lance eyes widen a bit in shock more or less angry tho, he wanted to hurt this teacher now. In the most horrible way possible

"Are you kidding me!? You got kicked out because of a man like that! That's bullshit did the cops get involved? "

She shakes her head "nope.. Thankful he didn't do anything to me but try and keep me in a room but I got away other people aren't so lucky... But they don't believe any of the students all because he is such a good teacher, or so they think"

"Jesus, I'm so sorry bunny, no one should put with that" he looks down at her worried "well hey forget that school, you got this one now and it's pretty chill here. Shit you even got your own scary body guard" he chuckled

She laughed a little and her smile came back "true, thanks again Lance, you really didn't have to help me. It didn't seem like anyone really wanted to "

He pets her head and looked away blushing a little "well I'm not them , and besides I wanted to help I'm glad I did to" he smiled

Lance heart started to beat faster like before it just kept going 'bam..bam..BAM!' each thumb getting louder as they got closer to her house, oh how the thought of finding where she lived made him feel. She just didn't know what she was getting her self into to now though, did she.

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