Cookies and talking (chapter 17)

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By now Bell had been asleep for about a hour or two and the movie was over, when she woke up she saw she had paci in her mouth and sprinkles in her arms. She sits up and rubs her eyes. Lance smiled

"Afternoon sunshine. How was your nap little one? You feeling ok? " he asked as he finally stood up and stretches.

She yawns and the paci falls out her mouth onto her lap "pop pop-" she mumbled and  pouted as she watched it.

"Hm? " he looked over at her and chuckled at the name "your paci bunny? It's called pop pop? " she nods. He goes and picks it up for her "would you like pop pop right now? " he asked and she shook her head no

"N.. No.. I'm okies" she gets up and still hugs sprinkles but dropping the blanket

"Alright bunny but if you want it later don't be afraid to ask, are you feeling ok? Are you hungry or anything? " she nods

"I hungrys.. " she mumbled and looked down away from him

"Alright I'll make some lunch ok?" He goes over and hugs her "I can tell your still feeling kinda sad huh?.. "

Her eyes widen and she stays still before slowly hugging back. She nods "y.. Ya-"

"Mm I can tell love bug, it will be ok I promise bunny, Alex is a jerk but it's ok because now he can't hurt you, every. I am always gonna be here to protect you" he kissed her for head and she started to cry

"Hay hay shh it's ok, let out bunny I'm here" he coos as he pets her head

"D.. Dada I.. I don't know whys he.. He so mean.. " she cried into his arms as she spoke

He holds her tight "I know baby, he didn't deserve your love, never did and never will. It's ok now I promise"

Her cries slowly stop and turn to sniffles as she rubs her eyes "I.. I believes you.. "  she mumbled.

He holds her "thank you bunny, how about we make cookies for lunch huh? But you gotta have some carrots and water to though. just don't tell uncle Ray about cookies for dinner" he chuckled.

She giggled and nods "cookies ish goods I want cookies" she held her plush. He smiled and nods and as he walks she grips onto his hand and follow him into the kitchen.

"Ok! Can you be a big girl and grab your sippy cup so Dada can clean it? Then I can cold water! " she giggled and nods and let's go of his hand as she runs in the living room and grabs her sippy cup then running back.

"I gots ish Dada!! " she looked up at him and hands him the cup

He ruffles her hair and smiled "good job bunny! Thank you so much" he takes it and started to wash it "one more thing my baby bunny, if you want to play some music you can go on the tv and go on YouTube and play a playlist called baby bunny "

She giggled "yay! I loves musics ish de best you knows! " he chuckled and nods. "I agree" she ran to the living room grabbing the remote and turning it to YouTube and doing as he told her, then soft music started to play it was a soft piano playing along with some other sounds. She giggled "I likes this" she smiled and waddle back to the kitchen but before she got into the kitchen she could feel something. She looked down and saw she had peed. She whimperd and stayed quite about it, she didn't like how it felt but she was still worried she would get time out for using the bathroom on accident. So she walks right back into the kitchen and tugs at his shirt "cookies? Nows?... " she ask turning her head.

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