"dinner conversations" (chapter 22)

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As Ray got everyone's plates and food on the table, he sat done across from Lance after Lance sat Bell down then himself.

Ray picked up his fork eating his rice as he looked at Lance "so um, should I explain or you??... " Ray said looking at Lance worried.

Bell looked at the both confused as she held her pink sippy cup with both hands , drinking the Apple juice that was in there.

"Hm... I'll go first " he coughs a bit "ok so, bunny " he looked over at her and smiled, Ray watched as he ate.

"Our sister, Charlotte is coming over for a month or two... We talk to her about you and she is vary exited to see you! In fact she is a caregiver as well, well use to be. But her old little was... Vary mean "

Bell looked a bit shocked but put the cup down and just listened, well actually she was thinking of something, she thought maybe she could tell this sister of there's what happened and hoe they kidnapped her, but little did she know Lance already told her everything.

"So with all this, she will be coming over tomorrow, we need you to be on your best behavior ok? If so we all rewarded you! But remember if you break any rules there will be  consequences bunny. So please be good "

She looked at him and huffed as she pushed her plate and cup, not wanting to eat now. She was slowly coming out of tiny space

Ray and Lance looked at her confused "what's wrong sweetie? " Ray asked before looking at Lance.

"I-i- I.. I wanna go home! " they both looked shocked, they thought maybe she had got use to everything but truth was, tiny self got use to it. Kinda, but her, big her didn't.

"D-does this women know t-that you guys kidnap me! A-and before you say oh it was because of Alex I don't care!.. I - I can just tell the cops what he did. "  she crossed her arms and looked away

Lance sighs "oh bunny.. Look, we are just doing this to keep you safe, we love and care for you. We know how life has been and how troubled things are at hom--"

She looked at him with a blank look "don't talk about my home life! You know nothing! Nothing at all dammit!! " Ray looked at them

"Sweetie... We know about your dad-"

"Shut up!! " she screamed at him as she then threw the sippy cup at Ray making it spill every where.

"Shit! -" Ray jumped up as he was now covered in Apple juice, he sighs and picks up the cup and goes to the kitchen grabbing a napkin cleaning him self.
Lance got up.

"Ok young lady that's enough for tonight" he went to pick her up but she kicked him

"Bunny! Enough! "

He picked her up holding her tighter, she started to kick more.

"Fu-fuck you!! Let me go weirdo! SOMEONE HELP!!! " she started to scream. Lance sighs

"I'll be back lance I'm gonna put her to bed" Ray nodded as he cleaned him self.

Bell started to kick and hit him "let go!! I wanna go home! I-ill hurt you both! I'm not a baby damnit let me go!!! " she yelled as she started to scream and cry.
Lance rubs her back "shhh, it's ok bunny"

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