Home (chapter 6)

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They soon get to Bell's home, it was apart of a apartment building with many others. Bell turned to Lance and smiled up at him
"Thanks for walking me home, I um.. Would say come inside but it's not a vary umm... Neat, my brothers tend to be slobs" she mumbled

Lance gentle smiled and pet her head "hay it's no problem I understand bunbun don't apologize alright?"

She nodded as she looked up at him "see you tomorrow? "

"Of course, hey can I have your number so we can talk? "

"Sure, got your phone? " he nodded and took it out.

She told him the number as he put it into his phone "thanks bunny" he smiled

She smiled back "no problem, see you later" she waved good bye as she open the door and walked inside.

Lance smile dropped once she was inside "not fair.. It's not fair damnit" he mumbled to him self as he started to walk back to his own place "why can't I just bring her home now ugh!.. She would be so much happier and safer with me. She is MINE and I should be able to take her home and baby her.. " he groans.

Soon enough he gets back to his house it was a 2 story house colored in off white color and a bit of a light chocolate cream color.

Lance walked into his house, slamming the front door on his way home "ugh! Bullshit!.. " he yelled once he got inside

As he yelled Ray popped his head out one of the rooms in the hallway "the hell is your problem? "

"Bell damnit.. I want to bring her home now but I can't yet it's killing me! She just looks so.. Sad she doesn't even post as much on Instagram any more because of how she is feeling it's not fair! "

Ray sighed as he walked out his room in sweat pants and a black t-shirt "look, you just gotta wait until you get closer, trust me I know it's hard.. She does always look sad no matter how much she plays it off as if she isn't. But you can't just get her right away. Besides her room isn't done yet, just need to get more clothes for her and toys"

Lance sighs and nods " I know I know... My poor baby tho, I just love her so much I hate that life is making me wait" he groans and walks into the kitchen. He open the cabinets then grabbed a normal cup but besides it were pink and hello kitty, my Melody and poo bear sippy cups with handles. He shuts the cabinets and makes him self something to drink "soon.. Soon I will have her" he mumbled as he walked into his room slamming the door.

"Tsk tsk" Ray walked into his room leaving the door open.

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