"surprise! " (chapter 31)

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Hey guys! So some news! I love this story and have even more plans for this story! But I'm also gonna work on another story! It will be kinda like this but different and have more dark themes! Just look out for the first chapter of love or trust!))

Bell looked around with a smile on her face, Charlotte turned around and looked at Bell. She smiled and went over as she picked her "thank you doing as told Bun Bun, now let's get you in John car seat" Bell looked up and nodded as she clings onto Charlotte.

She placed Bell in the car seat and started to put her buckles on, after she gave Bell her paci.  She shuts the door and goes over to the driver side and gets in, she puts on her seat belt and puts the keys in, starting the car up. "Alrighty! Ready princess? "

Bell nodded "Mm! " she held the paci and sprinkles "buts where we goings? "

Charlotte smiled and started to drive out the drive way "you'll see bunny, I promise it will be fun. You might even make some friends today! " Bell couldn't help but feel a little nervous, she didn't like not knowing things but she didn't push it. She put in her paci and hugged sprinkles as she looked at the window. Charlotte turned on the radio, it was playing some new music but it was calming. Bell laid back.

After about a hour long drive, Bell had taken a nap falling asleep the whole ride. Charlotte soon stopped and parked, she turned off the radio and looked at the back seat, she smiled seeing the sleeping Bell "so cute-" then she undid her seat belt and got out the car going over to Bells door side and opening it, she slowly undid Bells car seat. "Hi bunny, I'm so sorry princess but you gotta wake up" she slowly picked up Bell and the diaper bag.

Bell groans and rubs her eyes and looked up "we at surprise?.. " she slowly took the paci out her mouth and yawned.

Charlotte nodded and smiled "yep! I have some people I want you to meet ok sweetie? But you can't say anything about Ray or Lance about what they did ok? You can get me and them in vary much trouble and Lance would never let me near you again ok? You promise? "

Bell looked up and nodded "okies I promise-" she felt a bit nervous, she was sacred if honest. Who were these people she was talking about?

Charlotte held Bell close, holding her on her hip as she started to walk. Bell looked around, it seem to be that they were in a wooden area, maybe the forest? But there was a park it seem to be a big playground but Charlotte didn't stop by it she started to walk into the woods , Charlotte was following a trail it seemed. Soon enough she around 12 minutes Charlotte stopped in front of a beautiful cottage like home that had a garden in the front.

Bells eyes widen at the beautiful home, but it didn't stop her nerves to get worse

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Bells eyes widen at the beautiful home, but it didn't stop her nerves to get worse. She held onto Charlotte tightly, almost digging her nails into her. Charlotte stops by the door before knocking and looks down at Bell "you ok princess? -"

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