Wakey wakey bunbun (chapter 9)

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Soon enough Bell was in a dark room. She was out like a light for a good hour before the lights in the room turned on.

Lance had flicked a light on as he walked in her new room with a smile on his face. "Wakey wakey bunbun~" he said as he walked over and shook her gentle.

Bell groans as she slowly opened her eyes she could barely see due to her still feeling sick. But she could feel something soft under. She looked and could make out a diaper. Her clothes we're different as well. She had on a long pink hoodie that had pinky pie from MLP on it ,the hoodie past her knees. And under was a pink and white diaper then she had on pink and white though highs. Her eyes widen and she looked up hearing Lance voice. She froze when she saw it was him

Lance looked down at her with a huge smile "Hi baby... How are you feeling? Do you still feel sick? "

Bells eyes we're wide with fear and confusion"L-lance?!.. What the hell is going on!? Why am I in some diaper!? " she looked around and saw she was in a bed like crib, the room all babied and pastels with a pink toy box and hundreds of stuff animals all sizes.

Lance smiled went away and he picked her and popped her bum "we don't say hell in this house bunny your to little for that "

"Ow!" Bell shouted at him then turn to look up at him and pushed him making him drop her in the bed crib .

"Don't touch me freak! " Bell yelled at him as she made eye contact with him. Lance sighs

"Bunny I'm not a freak I just want to take care of you is all. I see how your life is I see how people treat you and how they hurt you and do things to you ,you aren't ok with. I'm not here to do any of, I'm here to help you. Besides it was only fate that brought you to me. I have followed your Instagram since they day it was made then you came to this small school, ha! Can you believe that? It's like we are meant to be together" he moves her bangs from her face "now just follow the rules little one ok? And everything will be ok, it means no punishments. But break then or try to leave you will be punished ok? "

Bells eyes started to tear up hearing everything coming from him "y-your insane Lance!! " she spits on his shirt. Lance sighs

"But bunny I'm just trying to baby you and-"

She stopped him "n-no I don't care! I don't want you to take care of me I don't need a caregiver get me out this diaper! " she tried to take it off but Lance face got serious and slapped her hand

"No bunny! Bad. You do not take that off only me and Ray can change you and if you try to take it off you get time out. Besides it's to help you feel more smol so please don't fight us. We love you, I love you as my partner and baby but I probably am gonna wanna baby you more then anything, your just so cute" he chuckled

Bells eyes widen "R.. Ray is on this to!? I-i don't want to wear this I'm not a baby! "

Lance chuckled and pulled out his phone going to her Instagram page and showing her photos of her "well these say other wise little one. So for now. Be have and listen to the rules"

Bell sniffles and looks away tears in her eyes

Lance pets her head "it's ok bunny, don't cry besides your brother was hurting you.. I needed to take you away. "

Bell slaps his hand away "do-dont talk about my family! " she looked at him eyes filled with tears

"Bunny.. Come on don't do that. " he sighs "ok baby how about this you listen to my rules and behave and let me baby you, then I'll let you go- but! You have to be here for 12 months and follow the rules while be having then you can go and you can even tell the cops or who every, but after 12 months if your good you can go. Buttttt if you aren't you gotta stay. But I maybe will let you go, no promises"

Bell sniffles and rubs her eyes with her sweater paws "f.. Fine.. But y-you better let new go after 12 months o-or I swear I'll kill you or something !" she mumbled and looked away

Lance smiled and chuckled "sure you will hun. " he pets her head "good girl, see it's not that hard. Now you get to be babied like you always wanted " he pets her head

"N-not like this! -" she mumbled

"Don't yell bunny, that's strike one. "

Bell goes quite

(This is some what , what her room looks like but much much bigger with a lighter pink and the bed had crib rails

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(This is some what , what her room looks like but much much bigger with a lighter pink and the bed had crib rails. There we're no mirrors either, her room is on the top floor of a 4 story house she has one window but it can't open)

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