"The Sun..feels amazing" (chapter 30)

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Message--((This is gonna be a 2 week time skip from Christmas! Bell still has the key she took and they haven't notice, she is just waiting for the right time now- or will she change her mind and stop fighting?))  (I apologize as well for taking so much time, I've been going through a bad depression eps rn but I'm hoping to get out of it, lmk if u know any other agere stories that I might like to read! I need something to read lol)) message over--

About two week goes by, Bell had been on her best behavior since she Lance had sent out her letter to her family. She knew she would have to be good if she wanted to write them again, so she followed all of the rules and even didn't try to hurt anyway.. But she still had the keys she had took a while ago, she was waiting for the right time. Luckily Lance thought he just lost them.

Today happen to be a Monday, which meant Lance and Ray had to go to work and school, which left Charlotte to watch Bell and take care of her today.

Around 10 in the morning the boys had already left around eight, so Charlotte had woken Bell up, picking her up out the crib and holding her on her hip.

"Morning princess, Dada and uncle Ray had to go to work and school so that means bunny and Charlotte day together! " she smiled and rocked her gently, she moved Bells messy bangs out of her eyes. Bell yawned and clings onto her tightly as she looked up at the woman

"Yee! Charlotte and bunny day-" she yawns and rubs her eyes before going back to clinging to the woman

"That's right princess, you've been so good lately and I'm so proud of you. More then you know, so I have a little surprise for you but you can't tell Dada and Ray - they might be mad at me "

Bell turned her head like a confused puppy, what did she mean? Why would they be mad? Bell didn't understand but nodded "what is it's? - " she couldn't help but be happy though hearing Charlotte say she was proud of her, it made her feel like happy butterflys were in her stomach.

Charlotte chuckled and booped Bells nose "well it's a surprise silly, but for now let's get you ready for the day, ok? "  Bell nodded and yawned

"Okies" Bell smiled, she would every now and then look around her crib, she had hid the keys there a while back so thankful they haven't found it.

Charlotte took her to her changing table and sat her down "okie princess, while I get your clothes tell me do you want pampers today or diapers? "  she walked to Bells closest and opened it as she started to search for clothes.

"Pams please! " she giggled "I'm a big girl you knows" Bell did feel safe and comfortable around Charlotte, so it was hard for her sometimes to tell if she was still acting or was she really starting to become smol around this woman. But all she knew was she felt safe with her.

Charlotte smiled and pulled out a pink long sleeve dress and white thigh highs that had paw beans "of course sweetie! That's right you are a big girl and I'm proud of you for telling me what you wanted to wear"

Charlotte smiled and pulled out a pink long sleeve dress and white thigh highs that had paw beans "of course sweetie! That's right you are a big girl and I'm proud of you for telling me what you wanted to wear"

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