Gifts (chapter 24)

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After about a few minutes Lance and Ray walked into the door, struggling to hold at least 60 different big bags filled with toys, her size clothes like thigh highs, bloomers and onesies and more things like that and diapers, books, stuffed animals, sketch books and art supplies, along with new adult pacis and sippy cups and bottles.

Lance walked in first, his hands and arms filled with bags "ha you really did go all out huh Charlotte-" he struggles to hold all the bags as he talked, Charlotte laughed as she got up and went over to help hold on the bags and place them by the couch, lance stretches after putting everything done.
"Thanks, now you might have to help Ray because he is struggling as well" he chuckled.

She nodded and walked to Ray grabbing some of the bags out of his arms and placing them by the others, Ray did the same.

"Alright! That's all I believe, unless your hiding more in the car " Ray joked.

"Nah don't worry, this is all I believe" she smiled and walked over to Bell, Bells eyes were wide as she looked at all the bags in shock, she hugged her bunny plush tighter. She looked up at Charlotte "a-are those for me's?.. " she asked with a confused tone. Charlotte let out a small laugh as she ruffled up Bells hair.

"Of course little one! I got all of this for you sweetie, now come on let's go take a look to see if you like them alrighty? " she put her hand out for Bell, she looked at her hand and held onto her hand "can I bring sprinkles?... " Charlotte nodded

"Of course, oh and I think I have some small stuffie clothes to that little sprinkles here can have! " Bells eyes widen with happiness  

"Thank yous! " she giggled, Lance and Ray watched as they smiled and walked over, Charlotte walked Bell over to the bags, everyone sat on the floor around the bags, Bell in the middle and closest to the bags.

"Alrighty sweetie, go ahead pick any bag to open first" Charlotte said as she smiled, Bell nodded and grabbed a pink big bag, Lance took out his phone to take pictures waiting.

Bell held sprinkles tighter as she slowly open the bag, she took out what was inside. Her eyes widen and she grew a big smile "I loves it's!!! " she hugged the toy, it was a bluey house playset "thank yous! "

Charlotte smiled "it's no problem honey, why not look deeper in the bag? There is more in there" she chuckled.

"Ohh! " Bell gasped at this and looked more in the bag, grabbing everything out, it was a bunch of bluey figures and playsets. Her eyes glowed with happiness "ahh thank yous I wuvs it's so so so much!!! " Lance chuckled and took some pictures.

"Awww it's no problem bunny " she smiled as she watched Bell open up more bags. After about a hour Bell was surrounded by hundreds of toys, diapers, sippy cups, clothes, doll houses big and small, pacis, stuffed animals, really everything a little could ask for.

Bell smiled as she was opening the bluey house playset out the box it comes in, Lance, Ray, Charlotte were all cleaning up the bags and trash "Hey, how about I cook dinner for us tonight? It's the least I can do since you guys are letting me stay"

Lance walked up to her as he threw away the last empty bag "are you? I don't mind cooking, after all you did make Bell really happy and smol today why not let us cook"

"It's ok Lance I promise, besides I miss cooking. Andddd I found some new ideas I wanna use for dinner. I'll just get started cooking and you guys can spend time with little bunny ok? I'm sure she wants someone to play with right now, isn't that right bunny?"
She petted Bells head as she looked up, Bell giggled and nodded, she had a new paci in her mouth along with a new paci clip that was clipped to her onesie.

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