The crush chap 2

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chapter 2

The bell rung for lunch and the class swept out the room in a stampede. I travelled at the back, staying close to the edges, so I had slim chances of getting pushed over. I made it out and then followed Alex and my other best friend Jardine some way to the toilets. I parted from them at the  libary and made my way towards ruby and her group. At first sight of me, Kharma scuttled back to a place where he thought he wouldn't have to socialize with me. And if I played my cards right I knew he wouldn't have to. To be honest it makes me rather sad. The fact that I made things so awkward between us that he would rather sit alone by a wall then stand across a circle from me, is actually quite depressing. Either way I took a place next to ruby and almost instantly started joking and laughing with her. The simple jokes between us continued untill I very randomly asked a question. "Hey ruby... you know the grim reaper... do you think he's a tea or coffee drinker?" I offered a sheepish grin as I awaited her perspective on the topic. "ughhh I would say coffee," she answered in fake thought. I muttered words of agreement and it was going particualy well.... until Ruby had to bring Kharma into things. "Hey Kharma!" her yell took me by surprise and I jumped a little. Jabbing me with her elbow she instructed with a raspy voice "ask him the question." Kharma, seeming as though he expected some sort of marrige proposal took a few I would say scared steps back. I decided to hell with being 'shy' and just asked him, "do you think death... like the grim reaper guy, is a tea or coffee drinker?" I must have been quieter then I thought, for he came alot closer then I intended, "what?" he said cocking his head in confusion. I gave a surrenderous sigh and tried again, "the grim reaper... is he a tea or coffee drinker?" Even though I was louder this time, my eye contact was very poor... all I did was look down. "Coffee." He replied quickly before stummbling off to some other people he knew. I had no clue what I did there but I had somehow managed to screw something up. 

After that truly awkward moment I walked with ruby to the canteen. There she met Alex in the line and somehow managed to con her into taking her money, buying and delivering her lunch. I walked back with ruby which for such a short trail took longer then expected. We walked over to a tree outside myt form class. I tried to be a bit more outgoing but sort of failed. We were after a couple of minutes joined by Leon, Imogan and Kharma again. I would stay close to ruby and cemi quiet, only talking to her and really no one else. Although at times Ruby would try to foce me and Kharma into conversation. "Kharma." she called to him at random, "your in Kayleigh's class aye?" He took a quick 5 second look at me, "Actually she's in my class," he smirked a little. I shook my head disprovingly, "no  wrong; you are in my class." . "so you own the class?" he replied, I wasn't sure if he was actually asking or just joking, either way I said whilst laughing, "yes I put it together." As though we were mechanically designed to do so, we both just turned the opposite way and let silence form. I didn't talk much from then on. Leon talked to Imogen and Ruby talked to Kharma, I was just sort of there. After a shortish while Ruby got this idea. "psst Kayleigh can I tell him." Without even having to check I knew what she was on about. "No" I snapped in a hushed whisper. "please.... can I tell him in sign language?..... Kharma doesn't know how to speak or read sign language." I thought about it for a few seconds... "ok fine... but just don't point to me ok." A huge grin spread across her face. "Kharma!" she called. "yeah?" he turned to face her, leaning on the seal statue that lay ever so sadly in the dirt. The poor thing had napkins in its mouth and litter clustered in its paws, I felt kind of bad for it. Ruby instantly defied the one rule I had set out... infact she hardly used sign language! She began by over dramaticly pointing at me which instantly made me regret having give her permission in the first place. Her next smart move was to make a huge air heart with her fingers, I felt my cheeks bubble as my skin blushed red, she then iced the cake with the finishing point to him. I think he got the message but thanks to my puzzled reaction, took it as some sort of cruel joke. He put both his hands where his heart would be and made this surprised secret unlocked scene. I laughed but looked at my feet for the following 10 minutes. The bell then rung and I scurried off to drama so it was a pretty good lunchtime afterall. At least my "secret" was partially safe...

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