The crush chap 12

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* I loved today so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will find out why riiight NOW!*

chapter 12

So today started normaly.... again haha. I got to school the same way and it was just a normal boring day. The bell rung and P.e was first on my schedual so I went to get changed. Alex and louise had already got changed and were outside. "hey..." I greeted them. "would you mind coming to the changing rooms with me..?" Alex shook her head. "no I'm good." she turned to louise again. I awkwardly stood up and went to get changed by myself. P.e was boring, we did a few catch games which I completely failed at. Then we played longball... I failed at that too. Then we played some sort of other sport and.... surprise surprise! I FAILED!!!! never mind I hate P.E anyway. After that I quickly got changed and ran out, leaving alex and louise to get changed in there own time, at least now I was the ditcher and they were the ditchery's muahhahahah!!!!. I walked out and realized... I was the only girl who was actually out the changing rooms. Not wanting to be seen a loner even though I was.. I walked shyly up to kharma who was on his way to our form class. "hi..... kharma.." he turned to me, "oh hi how are-" "sorry I just need to say this, please ignore what my little brother has said on facebook please thank you..." Kharma had no idea what I was on about. Last night I was on my computer talking to rowan. A friend of my sisters who I had adopted as my own little bro. He knows a lot about kharma thanks to me and foolishly decided to message him.. I know what it said but I pretended not to, this to make it less eahh not sure if creepy is the word. After that I was saved by Leon who ran up between us. "what are you two doing?" he sounded very suspicious... like very suspicious? "nothing.." Kharma began. "talking... well I'm listening.." I gave a small laugh to try make a less awkward situation... It didn't work so I started another topic. "hey are you guys dressing up for athletics day tomorrow?" Leon said. "no.." I made a shocked face, "you are going to let our team down!!! how dare you!!." Both Kharma and Leon chuckled so I felt a little better. "yeah!" Kharma piped up. "you will let us all down!" Leon turned confused. "you arn't even in RuRu (our school team)" "I know but still you are letting everyone down!!!" I laughed and continued the chat, "yeah Leon if you don't wear green tomorrow you will let this entire school down!!"  "I don't even own anything green!!" he winghed "well thats easily sorted! Glue some leaves to your arms." I laugh gingerly at what I just said to make it seem better then what it was. We laughed a little more then I parted from them. 

In form class Alex and Louise sat on the other side of the room from me, so I sat with Rangi, Maia and Jade. Leon and Kharma sat in front of me and I was in a hyper mood and going on about all sorts... mostly about the laws of whispering, sadly enough I could tell they were earwigging on me. hahah poor them.

We had math and then morning tea so nothing else happened with kharma. Although I sat with Alex and louise rather then Mckenzie... and to be honest I felt kinda.... pffft kinda XD I felt really left out!  Especialy because whenever I spoke to alex she would give me an 'oh great she's talking again' look and or say that she was working and didn't want a distraction... then she would turn back and talk to louise all over again, so math was stupid. Although when the bell rang I stayed at the back holding the door for everyone to leave. Kharma stopped and signalled me to go through. "no you go." I kept hold of the door. "no youuu go." Kharma replied not budging. "no you go.." no you-" He was pushed mid sentance out the door by some very impaitiant guys. I laughed pretty hard at that.

During morning tea me and one of my best friends went to the cafe, her name is Ariarn and she's a year 9. We got our food, left the line and walked back. After Morning tea spent with Alex, Jardine and Ariarn. I walked to science. On my desk I found a single leaf and a flower petal. This was a great sign!! To me that means the day will be great!!! Don't ask why, I don't know why myself it just does. During that lesson we were, yelled at by mr beard, annoyed by alex over Kharma and I borrowed Kharma's rular..... 7 times. After that we went to english. But on the way there I caught up to Kharma who was walking by himself. "hey.." "hey..." We walked a little while in a very awkward silence. then I said, "hey listen..... I ugh well I ..... HEY! have you finished the book yet?" He looked at the novel that we had to read for English. "no," he smiled, turning the book so I could see the blue bookmark sticking from the middle of it. I took over a proud poise. "I haaavveee." he gave a warm hearted chuckle. "oh can you tell me the ending?" I was very hesitent. I didn't want to ruin the story in case he was into all that stuff  so I said. "yeah, he finds a unicorn and goes off into the sunset... of course he didn't ride it though because the unicorn had a limp leg..."  just to get it clear the story is based of a true story or whatever so that ending wasn't a possibility  and he knew it. "oh really, cool!" he joked. I paused for a little while, "do you want me to give you the real ending?" he thought for a moment. "know I like yours better." Nothing much happened in that class so I won't detail it. 

English ended and I walked with alex and jard till I saw Ruby. I talked to ruby till I got by the libary. Alex and jard went to the cafe so what better to do then to wait for them with Kharma. Ruby went off to do something and I was left with Kharma and Leon.... which I loved to peices. He (kharma) was actually talking to me!!! Without me having to try! It was the best feeling in the world!! I talked to them for a while until Alex, jard and ariarn came to collect me. I went on and on and on about it! Ariarn said she was so happy for me or something like that haha she's cool like that, where as Jard and Alex wern't at all phased and just told me to get over it.... this I understand because Ariarn hasn't been with us that long and has still yet to whitness my endless rambles on why kharma doesn't like me, what I talk about with kharma and just kharma in general, I can tell I get a bit much. Lunch came and went like any other day. We shot some scenes and yeah it was ... fun.  

After that we had drama. it was fun until I did something and alex went into a mood with me... she hasn't even forgiven me yet even though I've said sorry and made her a puppet out of string and a bush lol.... so tomorrow I may just hang out with Kharma and them if she wants to be like that. I think thats fair enough in its own right.

*thank you for reading :3 luv ya ba bye *

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