The crush chapter 28

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Chapter 28 !!!

It has been so long since I last wrote! But not much has happened. We had the past 5 days off school and yesterday Kharma wasn't at school!!!! He wasn't at school today but I have something to write about none the less. 

So I have found and collected old drawings and put them in files. Ruby is an amazing friend of mine so what better to do then annoy her with a boring presentation of drawings. So she flicked through the entire portfolio. As I collected the files and was about to go to my bag she stopped me and to what I can remember, the conversation went something like this, "kayleigh I need to tell you something... I don't want to be mean... like I really don't want to be mean." I shook my head, "go on?"  "I don't think you should wear so much make-up you don't need it." I laughed and shook my head, "oh no I really do need it." which I don't want to seem like I'm attention seeking.... but I do need make-up, I haven't left the house without any make-up on for almost 2 years now. Ruby, I could sense didn't want to seem mean which... she wasn't its just her point of veiw then said, "It kinda makes you look like a whore..." Thats what I think she said, it might have been less harsh, but then again I think I'm right. I shrugged it off, "well then I guess I'll just look like a whore." Ruby shook her head a little then said Kharma said something about me, It went along the lines of, "why does she(me) wear so much make-up? she doesn't need it." That made me laugh, I don't think he would say that about me.... in fact screw that, I don't think he notices me at all, let alone my excessive use of make-up. I laughed a little, "I don't think he would say that..." Ruby still gently shaking her head said, "deny it if you want but he did say that." I gave a silent chuckle. I don't get what was meant to be so ...insulting as Ruby thought I might of taken it.... unless kharma did say that but she had made it seem nicer, because in reality he said I looked like a whore or whatever... god that be embarrassing. Ruby, more or less feeling guilty or sorry for me asked if I would like to hang out with her, and her friends. I was deciding whether I should or not when I stood up from my bag and hit my head on the stairs! Some people lauged at me as I recovered from the blow.... it hurt haha!! I laughed but grabbed my bag and fled from the library, not wanting to be laughed at more.  

I thought about it after a while. Alex and jard more or less agreed I used a lot of make-up.... it didn't help that I was applying more as we talked about it, but hey, my class are so pretty like every single girl. Kharma could never like me knowing I was the 'ugliest' person in the class. So what do I do? Drown myself in make-up... its hardely irrational. Allthough as Alex had pointed out so bleakly after I had put more on. Eyeliner makes me look like I'm on a hangover.... so tomorrow I'm going to wear less make-up. So drop the eyeliner(s) and lipstick.... ok keep the lipstick but not as much :3 and then they'll see O.O. I bet they'll scream when they see me haha XD still. I hope kharma turns up tomorrow :( not seeing him for the past few days has really got me a bit down ... hope he's ok and not sick !! D:

hahah anywhoo :) bye!!! 

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