Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

I woke up today with a bright, new demeanor. 

Yesterday was my most amazing day of the holidays this far. I was on fb and I was bored as hell so I decided to text a randomly selected number of my phone. At that moment Kharma came online and my random number texted back. So I talked to both of them. Kharma was at the library and he was bored as hell so he spent his time talking to me about anything. It was really fun! During that time my secret texter wasn't giving up who he was and we moved on and had a really awesome conversation. Eventually my phone needed charging so I sent my fairwells to my text buddy and spent the rest of the day talking to kharma. It was so fun!! He made me feel like he wanted to talk to me rather then me just dead end trying. We talked from 11 to around 4 a clock. We left on awkward terms which sucked, I ended up asking him why he didn't turn up to school the last two days of term. He simply said Ummm well I will tell u later gtg cya. After he went offline I leapt off my laptop and I babysat my little sister and her mate. This was alright and once it went dark I played hide n seek in the dark with them, that was well fun!!! 

The kids settled to watch a movie (mulan -_- )  and I backed to the couch where to save myself from the dreaded movie grabbed my phone  and decided to text my new txt buddy. He still wouldn't tell me who he was, despite the fact I told him who I was. He seemed to enjoy tortuing me on that level. When  I asked him to either tell me or toss me a clue, he simply asked that if I found out who he was would I still find him interesting enough to talk to. I must admit that I love talking to him, he was so fun! 

Time came when I found out who he was... never been a more awkward situation in my entire life. It more or less 'started' when he said his brother read my texts and said hi ;)   (yep winky face included) so I talked to both of them like that and this mystery guys brother said I seem like I could break a lot of guys hearts, my guess was supposedly meaning his lil bro or in other words my mystery texter. I awkwardly replied with a paragraph on how I am not mean to guys and despite the fact that I turn alot of them down I still try to be their friend. Eventually my mystery guys bro asked if he could have my number and I said yes.... what he first text me gave me a shock of a lifetime.

My phone buzzed and I read the text which said, 'Hi its kharma's bro I was just kidding about the breaking guys heart thing.' My mind exploaded. I was talking to kharma this entire time. It didn't stop their either I texted them both till 1 in the morning. I had to leave because my stupid phone needed charging, but I had talked to them for hours and I was tired anyway. I left saying bye and Connor (kharmas bro) said cya and kharma said nite nite :p   I was over the moon <3 

Well that was a breif desc of my day... and night. The best part was though that kharma gave his bro my number which means that he had my number that means, despite the fact he knew it was me he still saved my number <3 he even said when he didn't know who I was that he'd only save the number if he wanted you ... this means he wanted to. Not only that am I a little bit closer with his bro... by that I mean I am already giving him relationship advise and he is trying to get me to go our with kharma... he litteraly said, you should go for kharma, seriously he will treat you right. I was laughing so hard , I had to tell him I liked kharma and kharma didn't like me but Connor reckons kharma does like me!! Anywhoo so I now have a good name with his family which is good and now I can text him without being awks. wow it was amazing!!! 

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