Chapter 45

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*chapter 45*

ok so... sorry I haven't actually wrote in a bloomin month or two, but I've just been over my head with kharma and school work and arguments and just GAAAH hahah but I'll try fill you in the best I can :) I guess this chapter is just to clarify that I'm not dead :P haha

... Me and kharma never hung out of sunday which sucks, we both chickened out last minute... ok I lied.. 'he' chickened out last minute. But it wasn't because he didn't want to hang out, well connor said it was because he is shy and he feels uncomfortable and awkward and he doesn't want to make a bad impression, and looking back on everything, I can actually beleive that. 

We continued to text each night and I thought we were getting to know each other better! but all of a sudden he stopped texting, I think its almost been a week since we last text so I need to ask if he's just out of credit or if there is a problem he wants to run by me. I'll ask tomorrow. 

On top of that, this week I'm also gonna ask him out. I know exciting stuff huh! I'm just sick of the waiting and the heartbreak and the everything with him, so I'm just gonna let him know its on the table if he ever wants to do something so ... ya wish me luck :P

ok and today, in science I made myself look the biggest idiot ever!!! I'm the girl who dropped a beaker full of boiling acid across the work bench... nice one kayleigh, real smooth. Oh and when we were packing up I offered to take my friends glasses back to the safety glasses box. So I got maia's, Jades, Rangi's, Louises and Alex's glasses and took them to the box along with my own. But when I got to the box kharma was in my way so I said excuse me and instead of moving away to let me put them back, he randomly started taking them off me, which I found a tiny bit odd. His hands were so warm though :3 hehe gotta love him aye ^_^ he's too polite :P

I also had some run ins with Leon today that got me a little annoyed but oh well. I just wish he'd leave me alone. Thanks to Leon the door jams with Kharma have stopped, he won't let it happen anymore. But instead of just getting kharma through the door he forces me through, I want to be the last in and I hate being forced through things so that has to stop. He can do whatever he likes to kharma... within reason of course... but he can't force me to do anything. so ha! 

well that was hopefully a little bit better for you all haha 

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