The crush chap 20

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Chapter 20!!!

So today was different to any day I've had in the past week or so. As you know I haven't been talking to kharma often seeing as well... I just can't bring myself to try. but I did today and this was how it went.

So the past week me and my friends have some sort of stalker. She has no friends of her own and follows us around. So the past few days we've been saying we are hanging with other people and meeting at the field where she won't find us... however today she said that she will just hang out with me anyway so I got worried. I didnt want to hurt her feelings and so I just said my friends aren't very excepting and may say no..... she still was keen so I had to make a plan. The plan was to walk over to someone I knew and make them pretend that I was hanging out with them and say no to her hanging around. Then I could say to her that she can't stay and I won't be looked upon as a bad guy :3 the plan was genious. So the bell rung for morning tea and I was trying to find someone who could be my 'buddy' I saw kharma walking just in front of me, "hey I have an idea." I said to alex them hurried up to kharma. "hey can you do me a favour?" Kharma looked puzzled. "it depends what it is...." I laughed. "ok so there is this girl who keeps following us and we need to get rid of her without hurting her or whatever all you need to do is pretend you don't hate me..." I could tell he was thinking it through when lincoln came and dragged Kharma away. Alex did the same to me and I ended up just ditching sky.... I felt so bad. After that was science. Science was normal, I borrowed kharma's rular once or twice and when we were doing the register  the teacher was being stupid by trying to figure out who was away, "gosh..." I began, "by the time its taken us to do this we might have well just done the register." Kharma over heard me and joined in my little comment, "yeah that would have been smarter." I smiled and shook my head. After that we did the lesson and only talked again once which was when he hit his rular and I went over the top with a joke about how rulars have feelings and get hurt..... hahahah yeah I'm so awkward -.- 

The bell rung for the end of the period and I packed up my stuff slowly and began to walk to the door. Surprise, surprise. Me and Kharma were caught in the door way again. "you go." I shook my head towards the door. "no you go." he did the same, I sighed weakly, "please just go." he opened his bag, "no you go I'm putting something in my bag anyway." "fine!" I ran out the door and down the steps. Then I paused, scratched my head in puzzlement and turned around. A few more classmates hurried out the door then finally so did kharma. He walked down the steps and I pulled him towards me, "hey what do we have now?" He thought for a minute, "english..." I smiled, "thank you," and then  I started to walk off. He surprisingly jogged up beside me again. "hey what were you saying before? about that girl...."  I gave a light hearted laugh again, "oh its nothing really, this girl just keeps following us and she has no other friends but we don't want her to hang around with us because she's annoying ya know. so we were trying to make a plan to ditch her without hurting her feelings thats why we needed your help." He nodded to show he understood. "I would have helped..." I smiled. Leon walked over, "hey you two...." he greeted. I turned to him. "hey leon... you know facebook... are you the one with the anime profile picture?" He grabbed Kharma and started shaking him. "why did you tell her!!" Kharma started laughing," yeah that might be him." I laughed a little, "well I friend requested you." Kharma joined the conver again, "what if it wasn't him?" "well ugh that be a bit awkward." Leon laughed, "stranger danger" After that leon went around and I walked with Kharma to English. And that was alll that happened with Kharma today :)

* I looooved today XD thankx for reading :) **

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