The crush chap 11

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Chapter 10

each chapter starts the same.... I got up and went to school hahah XD I guess I don't have to explain further into that :p

So yeah the morning went quick. We did some english, had an assembly and then did math. Overall the morning wasn't too bad. At morning tea I got together with Alex, jard and ariarn and discussed the art of whispering.... don't ask XD. Once that was over and the bell rung, me and alex had science (the only class I pratically talk about in this god damn story XD haha)). It was on the way there that she told me of her repeating crush for a guy she thought she had gotton waaaay over (I won't say who it is because she doesn't want me to :p )) . We lined up as usual and the teacher came to open up the door, "do not get your books out," his raspy voice attacked my ears. "gosh," I muttered under my breath. We went in and sat down, people twittered and twattered about, and a few people stummbled around getting out there books. I sat and waited in silence, just listening to alex mider along with the quiet rambles of Leon and Kharma. I turned to them, "oi mate.." I whispered to no one imparticular.  They both looked at me, Leon, not actually hearing what I said replied, "hello...." he whispered really confused like. I laughed to myself. 

Mr Beard told us to go to class 3 something..... I forgot. I followed everyone else. Once we got there everyone clustered around the door. I took a place at the back. I hate getting into crowds and getting pushed, especially at times where I don't have to. The teacher arrived and opened the door, everyone rushed in. I held the door and let everyone go in. Lincoln and Kharma were last to go, "are you going in?" I nodded my head in direction of the door. Lincoln walked in unhesitent, "what about you?" I looked at kharma "no, no you go in.." he took the door from me, sensing that there was no way I was getting in after him I walked through, "thank you..." I muttered shyly. I wandered over to louise and alex, who had placed themselves where no computers were left for me. "hey can you guys move across so you can sit with me..."  I waited for them to move but they stayed planted, " no thankx..." alex turned away. I froze for a little while. "ughhh ok..." I sat across from them, my back faced there direction. I felt quite lonely for a few seconds, then I felt a chair scuff the floor next to me. I turned to see it was Kharma who ocupied the space next-door. I felt this huge smile just  fill my face. I turned to alex. "pssst alex," she turned,"yeah?" I flicked my eyes towards him and back, she knew by first glance what I was on about, "cuuute." She chimed. I rolled my eye's and turned back to my computer. I heared Kharma say we had to go on to moodle. Moodle is.. I think some part of the school website...  I don't really know but we had to do a test on it. I tried to log in but had this pop up fill my computer, "ughhhh" I moaned, it was to access the printer or something, I had to put my school login. I wasn't sure what to do. "pssst." I turned to see Kharma had slid over to me. "you can cancel that you know..." I said thank you and continued to log in. Once in, I wasnt sure what to do. Mr beard spoke up. "Now everyone, scroll down and click blah blah blah science blah blah blah Ks5 blah blah blah test blah blah blah start." My mind blured, it took me a while to notice but I was making a high pitched whining sound, like that of a sad dog. I didn't know truly how loud I was but I must have been loud enough, because Kharma turned to me again. "click blah blah blah." I did what he instructed, not once did my smile fade. "now what?" I muttered to him. "click science..." I scrolled... "where is that?" he stood up and walked to my computer, he placed one hand on my shoulder and used his other to point to what I should click. I did what he said and eventually got to the test. "now just click start."  "thank you so much!" I sighed in the most thankful way possible. I did the first part of the test... it was hard!. I got confused again, so  I looked to kharma. 2 seconds later he looked at me... it was weird like he knew I would look at him at that exact moment. "now what?" I whispered, knowing that I was going to end up annoying him. He gave a light hearted chuckle that made the whole room just feel warm. "ok click part 2 which is at the side there." He ran his hand through his black hair, "thank you again.." I did part two of the three part test. I got to part three at almost the same time as Kharma, I knew this becuse we looked at each other at the exact same time.  I mouthed to him -part three is here? He smiled and nodded so I got on with it. Halfway through the test, question 32, the teacher told us to save and log off. I turned to Kharma once again.. "how do you save?" I couldn't hear what he said but he was just as confused as me. Lincoln spoke, "just click finish test." It wasn't like I didn't trust Lincoln and his... logic... but I still waited for Kharma to do it first, at least then we would have both mucked it up.

The next class was boring and then we had lunch!! Lunch failed... not in a bad way but we were taping scenes and we didn't get even 1 done!!! so yeah we just mucked about on the stairs XD Through that entire afternoon I just buzzed about how well I got on with kharma in science so yeah today went well!!!!! 

*thankx for reading :3 * 

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