The crush chapter 26

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Chapter 26!


I loved today so much it was my best day this year!!!!!!!! 

So the day started off with my usual routine. I got up, got dressed, did my hair and make-up, I checked my wattpad aswell to find the nicest comment on chapter 25!!! and then went off. I walked to Sky's house and then I walked with her to my bus stop. Sky is the girl we have been avoiding for ... well ages now. But truth is I don't mind her all too much on the bus. Yeah sure she's annoying, in your face and can be awfully bitchy. But she is entertaining to talk to. Either way we were at the bus stop and we saw the bus about to turn the corner. So. I told sky to line up at the end and I'll line up at the other end, this will make sure we have a seat.  When the bus stops its always a fight to get on, everyone pushes and shoves and this makes getting on the bus that little bit more unpleasent. 

Anyway I have never laughed so hard!! it all happned in seconds but I'm still laughing to this very moment!! The bus parked up to let us kids jump on... it was unfortunate for Sky that I was right and it stopped right in front of her. In a heartbeat you could see her little ginger head go from being perfectly still to having a spaz attack!!! Everyone was pushing and shoving and she was in the middle of it all, as she was poked and proded I actually heared her say very overdramaticly, "NOOOOOOOO" just to see the person beside her exclaiming with an even more dramatic, evil voice, "yesssss." As I cracked up watching the event I panicked for a moment when I saw her head drown in the sea of people! My eyes scoured the heads just to find that Sky's ginger hair was no where to be found. Finally she emerged, surfing as it seemed the people onto the bus. After that she dived onto a seat, her legs kicking in the isle. Thats when I joined her and just laughed the entire bus ride over it. Once at school I met up with alex and then walked and talked to her till the bell rang. 

Our first class was Geography and all I did was doodle in my book so that was ok.... then we had Drama.  In drama I annotated my script and failed a second assesment -.-  anyway then it was morning tea.  I find myself ignored a lot by alex and jard... whenever I say anything they ignore me or sometimes hear me and just not reply which I actually find disturbingly rude. So that brought me down a little. Then it was P.E .... ok granted P.E is not my best subject but in every game I'm always discluded. We played ultimate frizbee and to be honest I'm actually quite good at fizbee. I used to play it all the time and have a skill of catching one. But alas my class has stereo typed me as good for nothing in P.E and I was never once passed to and when I tried to intercept the disk I was just bolted out the way!! So nice one class, you're so fair -.- . haha after that we played none stop cricket, which fully began my amazing day :). Kharma was in my team and as we were waiting to bat we had some small talk XD. It started off when I asked if he could go in front of me to bat (I hate batting)  he said he would and I thought we wouldn't talk any more but I was wrong. He looked at me and out of no where said, "is that all the players the other team have?" I looked around and he was right. The teams looked very uneven, "I'm not sure?" I muttered. We then both at the same time began to add the teams up and we were strangely even. I saw a phone on the grass beside me, "hey... who's phone is that?" He looked at the phone, then at me, then at the phone again, "I don't know." I shrugged and then Kharma went up to bat. The bell rung and that was the end of that.

I got changed and walked with Alex to english and during that walk I spotted Kharma walking in front of us by himself. I gave an admiring awww before I realized alex and louise were beside me. I gave another awwwww then added to cover up, "gosh I'm tired....." they weren't listening to me anyway (surprise surprise). My heart fluttered as Kharma stopped to get a drink at the fountain and we walked past. We rounded the corner to see a group of people tormenting a bird! The bird was supposedly hurt, my guess was a broken wing, while they were stating that it had no legs... I pity them... anyway so I noticed kharma round the corner, look at me and then to the bird who was causing all the commotion. I left it, knowing a teacher would probably take it in... which ended up being right (so don't worry about the bird :)  )) Then we had english, which I had to painfully watch Kharma get tormented by Cameron and Leon..... then it was lunch.

At lunch I gave alex a dollar and had to listen to alex say over and over that she will pay me back, to which I rejected her kind offer. I wish she knew I would just prefer to be listened too rather then have a dollar re-paid. I spent lunch time lazing about, moaning that we should do something other then lie on our asses all break. Of course I was ignored all lunch besides for when  I had something to add to what they were saying. So it was to no surprise I finished lunch in a sour mood. Especially seeing as alex more or less insulted me as the bell rung. We were lazing about when I said, "we should go somewhere." jardine, who was sat up on her ipod said tiredly, "you guys go and leave me." Alex shook her head, "no I won't leave you here."  I nodded my head, "yeah there is no way we will do that." Alex looked at me, "I think you would leave her here.." my eyes widened in shock. "I would never ditch someone like that." Alex shook her head in dissagrement, "no I reckon if someone went with you, you would leave her here." Anger flared up in me as I stood. I grabbed my bag as the bell rung for the end of lunch, a short laugh of shock left my lips in a jittery almost welled waver, "I've been alone to much to ever leave someone in that situation myself." Taking a deep breath I took control of myself and turned around, "you coming?" I said while beginning to walk of.  I swear, while to others the comment may have been eyelash batted, to me I found it apaulling that Alex actually thinks I'm capable of being so mean! Either way as you can imagine I was grouchy... till science. 

In science we checked homework, and the teacher looked very impressed with mine.  I borrowed Kharma's rular and then took his pencil without knowing and started to draw. It was only after I drew a dog that I realized it was his pencil and put it back without him knowing. Then we did a pratical of sorts. we had to make limewater cloudy by boiling Copper Carbonate. Once the test was done we went back to our seats to record results. Alex was somewhere else at the time, talking to louise I think? Still the table was so friendly.... it was just me and Kharma at the table. Anyway I turned to Kharma and asked politely as I could, "hey can I borrow your rubber?" He nodded his head so I took it and began to rub out the wolf I drew, half way through Kharma muttered to me, "hey can I use that after you?" he gave... it sounded quite close to nervous laughter? that or uncomfortable laughter...but I prefer nervous laughter ;).  I gave a light giggle, "just take it back if you want it... it is yours after all.." I smiled and held the small rubber out. He smiled back and held an outstretch palm, but instead of me dropping the rubber he grabbed it with his fingers, which awkwardly folded around mine as he tried to take it... it was really awkward. After a while I asked to borrow the rubber again, this time not for any particular reason but to study the golden tack that was pinned into it. I pulled pin out and started to play with it on my book, after a couple of minutes noticing that Kharma was looking at me like I was a weirdo. I laughed and put the tack back in the  erasor, "why do you have a tack anyway?" he looked at the rubber then at me, "because... well I actually don't know." I shrugged and grabbed his pencil, "may I?" I asked, pointing at the rubber, he shook his head and so I drew a cat face on the rubber and made the pin look like a hat.  The teacher then told us to pack up... well sorta. I put my pen in my pencil case and shook my head as I watched alex go out the door. I sighed and put her chair up, she did origionally put the chair up however it fell of so I did it  then I did mine, and then I grabbed Kharma's. Kharma grabbed half of the chair. "no let me do that," I smiled, "no allow me." he laughed, "no seriously let me." I shook my head, "nooooo" I laughed. By the time we had finished that we had put the chair up together anyway.... I thanked him then walked around the desks towards the door.  

I crashed into Kharma at the door again and stood aside to let him through, he nodded at the door to let me through to which I shook my head. He sighed and walked through the door himself. I guess like me, he thinks aswell that the track has been played to many times for the next action to be a surprise. I smiled and walked out after only to find him slow down outside. My smile grew that little bit bigger. "so how was your day?" I shot him the cutest smile I could muster. He thought for a minute, "what have we done today?" My mind blancked aswell, "oh well I don't know either..." His face lighted up as something came to mind, "I made biscuits." I could see the pride in his face. "oh wow thats cool!" I exclaimed still beaming, "ugh huh." he continued, "they had lollies in them." I laughed a little, "thats cool!!!" I sounded so kiss ass :P. He smiled some more then I jumped as I realized if I talked longer I would miss my bus, "hey I got to go c ya!!" He parted from me, "bye!" I ran to my bus and met sky. I was so happy.... forget that I was estactic. I love talking to kharma and that actually made my year!!! ^_^

*thank you for reading!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 ** love kayleigh 

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