The crush chap 13

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Chapter 13

I woke up really scared. It was athletics day and I was worrying about every single detail.  I got into my mufti then threw my uniforn over the top. I threw sun cream, a really bad hat and a jersey in a bag and left for the bustop. I arrived and pretty much everyone was in mufti besides me. I didn't mind though,  I would just get changed at school. My friend sky arrived and I walked over to her. She was in Ruru like me and was dressed head to toe in green... green suited her unlike me, who looked pretty bloomin awful in the colour. The bus arrived and we hopped on, Me and sky sat in the front and laughed all through the ride. I got to school and went to the toilets with Sky so I could get changed, I walked through the loo door and quickly swapped my uniform for my clothes. I stummbled out the cubicle and sky gave me some green paint. I put a splodge on my eye and cheek... I looked a right mess but it was ok. We came out and went to the bus bay with everyone else.  Sky introduced me to some people and I stayed with them till I saw ruby and kharma. I talked to them... well listened to them for a while before we caught the bus. I sat next to sky on that bus too. The ride was quite short and really funny. We got to the feild where the events would be held. I had to split from sky and went in search of my form class. I walked up some stone stairs to where I saw Maia and jade.  The register was done but  Kharma wasn't there, Mr Murphey (the teacher who took our register) marked him as absent. I was quite worried, I sat on the edge of my bench, I twiddled my thumbs and watched out for any late buses. There was one late bus and Kharma was on it. I saw him walk down the path and come out to the bottom of the stairs. He stopped, looked around for anyone he knew, couldn't see anyone and turned to walk away. I stood laughing and ran down the stairs to him. I tapped his shoulder, "hey the class is that way, also Mr murphey marked you absent so you should go mark in." he smiled. "thanks and yeah I know I already did that." he walked up the stairs with me then we parted to different seats. 

For a while I sat alone and so did Kharma. But after a while I sat next to him, along with ruby and some other's who I didn't particulary know. I can't remember much of what happed although I talked to Kharma alot. He, at one point borrowed my hat, it was so funny. The hat was pale white and was embroided with  red sequins and a pink butterfly.  Me, him and lincoln pratted around with it for a while. I also tried on Lincolns sunglasses.... they didn't suit me AT ALL, they didn't suit Kharma that well either, maybe it was because of the hat though. After that we talked and laughed for ages! I quietened down after a while, just had nothing else to say. The others laughed and joked and talked and I sat in content silence, just enjoying the acceptance. Kharma, who was now sat in the bench in front of me turned around. He held his Ipod horrizontally in his hand, obviously on camera. "say cheese." I gave the cheesiest smile, trying not to show my teeth. I'm not sure if he took a picture but yeah haha. He stood from the bench and walked backwards a few steps. "get in everyone I want a group photo!" after a couple of minutes sorting out places to sit and poses and stuff.... we never took a picture, people kept walking in front of us all so we gave up, it made me laugh alot more then it should have. So yeah after that I talked to Kharma and Lincoln a little more, then I talked to Leon and then ruby.

The day just went like that and every now and then alex and ariarn would come and join us for a little while, and sometimes I would walk off with them then come back. Over all it was a brilliant day and I'm glad Kharma and me are not so awkward any more :3 

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