The crush chapter 30

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*chapter 30*

Today overall was a brilliant day!

We started with English to which in that class did nothing but write... which I enjoy so yay :p.  our task was to write about a character sitting on a bench ... which proved to br a lot harder then first thought. I picked my character... well based my character around Kharma. But at risk of reading it allowed to the class, decided to be devious and change his name to Dina and make him female. So yes... I wrote about the female equivilent to kharma -_-. with of course a back story to one of my fictional characters. 

My 'passage' was this-

A loud, clear sigh escaped Dina's lips as she allowed the sweet serenity to claim her. The fading park to which stretched an eternity remained isolated as she leaned back on the rusty bench. She tucked a jet black strand of hair behind her ear and began to untangle the mass of knots her headphones had created. Her hazel eyes had clouded from her recent tears, the remains of them streaking her weather beaten face. She groaned a little as she tried to slow her breathing, which at the moment was racing the wind. After putting in her headphones, she took time to twirl the spiral earing that clung to her left ear. 

Dina was doing what she usually did, trying to fall behind everyone else and using music to drown out her mind. It all seemed so easy. An odd sound found its way through her tunes, she turned to see a small boy starting to cry. Dina shook her head and scrunched her freckled nose at the commotion, before turning to face the other way.  

thats all I got up to and its a load of crap! If I was just able to write about kharma truthfully... without all the girl crap and park nonsense... then it might actually be good buuuut no... I'd be judged to harshly. 

After English we had form time. During that I read alex's park bench paragraph ..... it was so good!!!!!! I swear I felt like ripping mine up after that.... I seriously don't get whats happened to me? when I came to my first school of year 9 I was well informed by every teacher that my English and writing levels were two years ahead of where I should be... I was that good!! And now I feel like my english has plummited the last few months or too.... I guess I just have to try harder. 

After form we were meant to have math... which we didn't because we were blessed with the luck of a presentation/speech in the hall!! The English teacher had said it would be about friendship or behaivior or something of the sort anyway. I dropped my bag at the math class and then we were told to go to the assembly hall. I waited in my row as everyone went out the door in a rush. I was finally let out by Kharma. I went out the door and then he joined me. "hey," he said. I smiled as he asked me, "so whats this assembly about?" I thoght for a minute, "I think its about friendship..." he gave me a funny look, "and rainbows?' I lauged, "yes and unicorns!!"  An awkward silence began to conjure so I decided it be best to make things more awkward. I looked him in the eye and said really intimidatingly, "ok..... I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer truthfully... don't lie because I can tell when you are lieing.... are you african?" He stared at me wide eyed and rotted with confusion... "no?" I laughed, "I know you are ... everyone is a little bit african..." he was taking the conversation well, he laughed a little, "I didn't know that..." I laughed, "I didn't either till 5 seconds ago...."  We laughed and then we heared lincoln calling out kharma's name. I rolled my eyes as lincoln pulled kharma aside from me and I walked away secretly fuming... stupid lincoln haha lol. 

The assembly was nothing about friendship or behaivior... it was about drugs and alcohol... boy was I way off!! The assembly proved to be quite funny.... despite the seriousness side of things. After that we walked to class, grabbed our bags and went for morning tea. The ground was wet because it had rained in the morning. So me, alex and jardine sat in a dry place under the entrace to an english block. We stayed there till the bell and then we had science. 

Science was so funny!!! All we did was check pulses. We were first told to check our pulse sitting down for 15 seconds... we did this and then jotted the results in a table. Then the teacher told us to lie down... this proved to be difficult. As I have said before... Mr beared is mean!!! and if I haven't said it ... you know now. before we could time our pulse rates we needed to spend two minutes in complete silence. So there we all were... lieing on the floor of a filthy classroom, holding back giggle fits. Alex was pissing herself laughing next to me so I kept laughing... it was awful. He kept telling the class off. Anyway so once we did that we jotted results again. He then made us run to teh end of a feild and back, stating that the last ones back would... I think the threat was pick up litter which made us all worried. I ran along side rangi and myah. On the way back to the classroom Kharma zoomed past us which made me laugh. We got back to the class and recorded more results.

The bell for science rung and we all packed up and went out the door. I was not last this time, but one of the last haha XD. I turned around to see kharma walking behind Bayley and Jordan. The thing with them is that they know I like Kharma and at risk of me... or even worse him being teased I tend to stay away from kharma with them around. But for the past few days my confidence has boosted and I casually walked around them, they didn't notice me so yesssss!!!. Kharma saw me coming and in time of my arrival he pulled out one of his earphone. "hey." he greeted me, "hey," I replied. A guy with blonde, scruffy hair walked past, "hey kharma," Kharma laughed and turned to me. He pointed at the guy as he rounded the corner, "see... I know people..... one person knows me"  Not really getting the joke I gave a fake laugh, mimicking kharma's but in higher and a cuter pitch.  Finnishing the laugh I said to him, "you're lucky... I don't know people..... I know half a person." He looked confused but played along. "what half of the person do you know?" I realized that whatever answer I gave would put me in an awkward situation so I stuttered for a while over an answer. I didn't notice what I was doing with my hands untill Kharma began mimicking me. I laughed ... for real this time and stopped makeing stupid hand gestures. Kharma, seeming to want to continue the conversation asked me, "so what person do you know half of?" I didn't know who to say so... seing Alex in front of me I said, "alex." He nodded his head slowly in consideration, "is she nice?" Not thinking and giving the first smart comment I could think of I blaintly blurted, "na she's a bit of a bitch." He instantly cracked up laughing and I blushed scarlet. "sorry alex!" I called in case she had heared the petty, well below me joke... I also said it for curtessy points muhehe. Still lauging he said politely and trying to be reassuring, "Its ok I don't think she heared you." I giggled and we arrived at the bottom of the entrance steps. Thinking he wouldn't want to talk to me so close to the class I parted from him. He instead tried to continue the conversation. "so?" I smiled, "what are you doing this weekened?" He binked twice, "ugh I think I'm seeing my father, I haven't seen him in ages." I gave a polite gasp of sympathy surprise, "oh thats so coooooool." We reached the door, and I let Kharma and some year 11 in before me. Then I ran in and said to Kharma as we climbed a flight of stairs. "hey if there's an earthquake in our class.... they say get under your desks and hold on... but what good would that do, we're on the seconed floor so what of the floor breaks and we go through it..." Leaving him in a fratic thought worry, he let me in and I joined alex and Louise. 

In that class we were on the laptops and we were filling in school forms online, like posting into a school accounts of our past jobs and extra activities outside of school. Nothing happned although alex filed me as a rapist which I had a total shit fit about. Haha and yeah that was it.

Then we had Commerse and from there we had home :3 

that was my day and I LOVED it :) :DDDD 

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