The crush </3

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*Hope you enjoy it. this is the 1st time I have written anything like this and I really have no clue how to :P so ya please try to put up with me as the story unfolds haha oh and ignore my spelling mistakes :P thank you :3                       <3

                                                  all the best love kayleigh xoxoxo :3 **

chapter one 

"Oh god.. science is next." My heart raced as the words left my lips. 

Alex, my best friend as off last year looked up from her Ipod, "why do you sound so..... ohhh." A sly smile cascaded across her face as her realisation came into veiw. School had started a rather spaced 4 days ago.  In the few days we had spent at school I had been pushed and prodded about in a sea of emotion. On the 1st day back we were placed in our classes, this went particualy well. I had alex in my class as well as some people I knew from last year, my only problem, however, was that my crush had ended up in my class aswell. I was so excited at first! When I heard his name being called I felt this big smile just light up my face. But then I remembered that in the holidays I had somehow been as fatuous to have made this big awkwardness rise between us. My soul pratically sank. The second day was pretty much boring. We got to know our classes a bit more and I spent the day staring at my crush, sometimes locking eyes but in split seconds turned away in "embarressment". The third day was, I would say rather brilliant! I was meant to spend lunch with Ruby, my crushes "best" mate and my friend wise adopted sister, but she turned out to be sick so I spent my lunch with my crush and his mates. To get it clear I would have anyway if ruby was here because she hangs out with them too, but it was different that day. I didn't say anything I just sat, listened and laughed. It was still a rather pleasent break. The only thing "wrong" with that day was that in science we were given perminant seats, alex wrote my name and her name in opposite boxes so I would sit next to Kharma (my crush), this was why she was "excited" for science and I off course wasn't. 

So before we get right into it lets get this all sorted. So my name is Kayleigh, my best friend in my class is called Alex and my crush is called Kharma. I guess thats the important information over so to get this started.... well it has started so lets carry on :3

The bell's torturing ring echoed in my ear drums and made my head spin. Alex's rather evil smile became larger as we walked to science class, I slowly shook my head, "I can't beleive you did that yesterday, you do know kharma and leon have probably swapped seats." my frown lowered that little bit more as I said it. "I don't think so," Alex gave me a sympathetic smile, she never truly understood my crazy obsession over Kharma, but supported me through my addiction non the less, which I still remain thankful for. We haulted outside the classroom door and awaited the teacher. Sophie ran up beside us, "hey guys," she chiruped. I threw on a welcoming smile, "Hi" I said in almost perfect unison with alex. "so .... are you ready to tell me yet?" Sophie turned towards alex and plastered on a huge grin. Alex's face turned almost the color of her flame orange hair. "no..." she muttered. I pricked up, "tell her what... Alex what are you going to tell sophie, tell me pleeaaaasseee!" Alex glared at sophie as if I wasn't meant to know something. "Its nothing," she grummbled through gritted teeth. I looked at sophie who just shrugged me off. "come on alex.." "no! I'm not telling you who I like and thats final." Her mouth clamped shut as her outburst faded into the crisp air. My eye's widened, "come on tell us!! It can be a secret between us three." Alex shook her head so I dropped it. To be honest I know it's not that big of a deal, especially seeing how we didn't even find out who it was. But alex never admits anything when she likes anyone so we acted as though it were a big deal, even though it actually would have been a big deal if she told us who it was. 

 The sciance teacher, mr beard arrived and we all quietened so he could let us in. We hadn't known mr beard very long, but by the classes first meeting we all knew what type of teacher he was... and he wasn't the kind type. He opened the door and we walked in. My eyes caught sight of the far desk to which alex had conned me out of. I turned to look her in the eye and knew we both had the same thought. We both at the exact same time darted towards it, pushing past people who collected in the middle of the rows. We  grabbed at the desk trying to shove the other out the way. I seized my chance and leapt atop of the chair. "Kayleigh just move, you have to sit where your name is put." I rolled my eye's but still shifted, looking away to dodge the face of victory alex was basking in. I turned in time to see Kharma and Leon getting sent away from the table at the front.... Yep. They were now forced to sit next to me... thats right, forced. Kharma grabbed the seat beside me which made me turn to face the otherside of the table, this gave me no grace as for when I turned I was greeted by alex who was giving that evil smile again. This just continued throughout the lesson, I was scared stiff to think Kharma would find out at any point that I like him. So, after an hour of note taking and curcuitry I was realeased and had to endure english. English was no better. Kharma sat at the front of the class and I sat in the back. This passed an hour and then we were realeased to my fave part of the day ... lunch!

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