The crush chap 14

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Chapter 14

"what do we have now" I asked alex as the bells ear splitting ring faded. "science..... I already told you that."

I laughed as we walked to the class door. We lined up and were let in by a really 'eager' as quoted by alex mr Beared. I walked down the isle and sat in my seat. Alex sat next to me and after a few minutes so did Kharma. The class seemed to zoom from me, it went so quick. The bell rung and alex shot out her seat and went to form class. I hung back, taking my time.... and apparently so did Kharma. I put my book and pencil case into my bag and pushed in my chair.... and then alex's. I looked over to see Kharma pushing in chairs aswell. I then looked down and saw his book and pencil case on the table. feeling generous I slid it over. "thank you." he said, we both tossed the same polite smile. "welcome." I replied then turned and walked to the door. Kharma went around the desks and we met at the exit of the classroom. I grabbed the door, "go through.." he shook his head, "just go through," I sounded so impatient ! He did as I said and walked out the door, I ran up to him, "sorry I just like going out last." I swallowed air as I awaited some awkward excuse to leave.  He, gave a light hearted chuckle, "no problem... so whats are next class?" I thought for a minute. "ugh hold on let me see," I reached into an outer pocket of my bag and took a small, awfully tattered and torn  peice of paper.... this was my timestable. 'like it?" I opened it out to show more rips and crinkles. "it looks brand new!" he said in fake awe. I laughed a little then looked down to thursday 2nd period. "we have Geography......... wait.... it is thursday isn't it!?" He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again, his eyebrows raised in confusion, "I think so.... yes it is." "yeah," I giggled, "we had athletics yesterday so it is."  "what?" he came closer and tried to listen under the thousands of voices that hid my own. I took a deep breath. "Athletics was yesterday! so it IS thursday." I could hardly hear myself on the courtyard, although he had somehow managed to pick my voice from the rest... or read my lips I don't know. "but... how do you know athletics was wednesday... it could have been tuesday..." he offered a devious smile before giving a random as laugh. I actually got confused. "oh wow I never thought of that.." we walked in silence a little while... not an awkward silence but a nice silence... a friendly silence and then we went off into form class. 

Geography came and went which was really really boring. After that it was morning tea so yeah that  was cool. After beak came commerse which was so funny!! Despite me and alex being parted from each other for the rest of the year, we only really moved one desk across.... and the desk we have between us has no one occupying it so yeah there was no point in moving us anyway... we still talk. That class finished and me and Alex went to math. I walked in the classroom and most people were already there. I sat with Mckenzie like usual and the class went normally. However. The teacher mentioned that some people can, if they have been offered and want to, move up a class. I instantly thought of Kharma... I'm not just flattering him but I think that he is super smart! well smarter then me and possibly the rest of the class. The bell for lunch rung and I told alex to run a head. I ran up to Kharma and asked, "hey if you were asked to move up a class.... would you?" I tried to sound casual when in reality, I was desperate for an answer and probably looked as though I was about to cry.... I wasn't... but when I'm nervous or scared I always look like I'm about to burst into tears. "I don't know.." I looked away, "well thats so much help," I grumbled to myself. I was about to walk away when he came closer and said, "don't worry I probably won't be... I mean I'm good at math but not, english, geography and science..." I wasn't sure if he was trying to reassure me but it did nether the less. "I bet you will.... I bet you are a lot smarter then you let on." I locked eyes with him for a while and we walked in our third friendly silence of the day. He gave a sudden jump and rubbed his eye's, "our friends." he pointed at ruby, Leon and imogen who walked by. "I'm going this way," I laughed as he ran to join them, then I joined alex who had apperently been calling me for quite some time.

Lunch came and went and then it was English. English was so boring! We had to begin an essay and the teacher wouldn't even let us speak. Which I didn't find fair seeing as this wasn't a test and was just a planning point. Still, I tried my best to write but couldn't stop looking at kharma. He sat with lincoln and they were diagnally in front of me. Kharma was right about him being no good at English... well not like that but it looked from where I was that he couldn't think very much. He would write what looked like a sentance before dropping his pen, flicking through some notes and from there he would stare at the wall. I felt quite bad.

The end of school rung so I ran to meet jardine... this was after the teacher held us in for some paper collecting duty.... stupid teacher lol

*thank you for reading :D **

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