The crush chapter 29

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*Chapter 29* 

I was all set to give up on this book to be honest. But Alex said she likes reading and encouraged me to continue writing. So let me clue you up on this week :) 

In no particular order this is what I haven't written about- 

I went through a sad day when after science I walked to English, having Kharma walking behind me I could tell he wasn't in a mood to talk to me and so I kept myself from hanging back. So I walked alone, and it sucked.

At lunch Jardine and Alex lost it with my never ending talks about kharma. So they went off to ask him out for me, to which I ran after them and ended up stopping them with a tantrum and a couple of 'never going to speak to you again,' threats ;). The following day they tried again. This time trying to con ruby into doing it too. Seeing as ruby is good 'friends' with Kharma, it was to my understanding that they were going to get ruby to ask him if he would 'consider' going out with me.... Ruby is such a great friend of mine, that is why she refused to do it without my permission. I love her so much :3 *not in a weird way*  So nothing happened. I know the answer would have been no anyway. I guess I don't mind anymore. They can ask if they want, but if they do, I just hope he'll take pity and be nice, then I won't have to go home crying. And I hope he wouldn't stop talking to me!!!! 

Yesterday I talked to kharma after and in science. Just our normal conversations. I can't really remember. All I know is that one of the conva's consisted of talking about when I almost fainted in science. He told me he gets like that to and competely understands how I felt. I think he was just being sympathetic because I looked like a ghost or better yet, a bed sheet.   I came from it over the moon though, he truly made me feel better! The next time I talked to him that day was after school. We finished on English and that was a low note. So I was letting everyone out the door like I usually do and it was no surprise Kharma was last one to go out and decided to let me go first. I stayed planted where I was, "you go..." He shook his head and told me to go so I also shook my head, walked behind him, put my hand on his back and pushed him out. Surprisingly not finding it awkward, he allowed himself to be pushed out the door, rather then have a surprise spaz attack. Then as I walked off he turned to me and said, "why do you do that?" Barely hearing him I turned to face him and  walked over. "ughh I guess..."  I paused as he took out his ear phones, "ugh its just good manners mostly..."  He nodded his head, "oh c ya." I smiled, "bye!!" That i think... was the first time Kharma has said bye to me first... it was nice :).

Today I didn't talk to him much. On the way to health alex pushed me into him. I greeted him and noticed he was carrying and shifting a pack of playing cards. I laughed, "ohhh doing magic tricks are we...?" he looked at his cards... "no... just cards." I laughed a little before he said, "hey check this out!" I looked at the hand holding the cards. He gave the cards a shaky jump so that they went up a centimeter or so and landed in his hand again. "see that..." I made a shocked/surprised face and said with major sarcasm, "ohh my god!!! that was amazing!!!!" He gave a light hearted chuckle and continued the joke, "took me years to learn!" I smiled, "you should be a street performer," I gave him a light nudge. He laughed, "do you think I'll earn much? " "Millions! Especially if you have a hat... people love feeding money to hats." His smile now beamed from his face. He was going to speak but I accidently got carried away and continued to talk, "you won't make as much money as my bat.." I left him confused a few moments as I took out a teddy bear bat. He laughed, "oh thats cool!" I smiled, "yes and check this out, give me your wrist." He shyly tried to toss the cards to his other hand as I took hold of his palm and proceeded to wrap the bats wings around his wrist, "see.... its a bracelet." I giggled a little as he admired the bat that barely clung to his arm. "oh! thats quite cool." I smiled brighter as he continued to play with the stuffed toy. "can I have it back now." I kindly asked as we reached the door of health. I walked in the door to be greeted by Leon, "hey kayleigh." I smiled, still feeling awesome after my chat with Kharma, "Hello New !" I walked past him, hearing him say the same to Kharma. 

Well everything else would just be too boring to say so I'll spare you the reading time :)

thank you if you're still reading this, I'll start to write again :) thankx love Kay 

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