Chapter 26

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"Does this Joesph nigga be hitting on my damn daughter?" August angrily said.

"I try to stop him! But he just won't." You started to cry your heart out.

August held you as you cried in his arms. He brought you into the living room and laid you down. He walked away giving you time to think everything threw. You dried your face and called Nicki. She answered within 3 rings.

"Nicki?" You sniffed.

"Yes girl?"

"Can I move back in with you please! I can't stay with Joesph anymore and I need to be closer to August for the sake of Heavenly." You spoke.

"Yea! We got an extra room available. I kicked Safari ass to the curb." Nicki said.

"Great." You smiled, exchanged good-byes with her and hung up the phone.

You threw your phone over and thought about how messed your life is.

"Mommie?" Heavenly said crawling onto your stomach and laid there.

"Yes baby?"

"Can we move back in with Daddy. You, me, James, and Khloe?" She looked into my eyes.

"You have to ask daddy?" You said.

She nodded and went off to August's room. She asked him the exact question. Luckily, he said yea. The hard part was only to get away from Joesph....


I need to think of a plan and think it trew fast. I don't have any time to make any mistakes. I picked up my iPhone and dialed Nicki's number. She answered within 3 rings.

"Hey, make it quick I'm doing something."

"I need your help," I spat out quickly, "I'm trying to run away from Joseph."

"Mhm. Okay. How are you going to do that and you can come here, but that's where he found you the last time!" She said.

"I'm going to come here, to August's" I said.

"Okay well. If you need me for like backup when you get there just text me everything and I'll be there asap." Nicki said.

She rushed off of the phone. I slide my phone into my back pocket and left out heading towards Joesph's house.

I reached his house in a matter of an hour and a half. I slowly unlocked the door and spotted him sitting on the couch.

"Where the fuck have you been for the past 4 hours?!?" He yelled grabbing the empty beer bottle of the floor.

"I took Heavenly to go see Nicki." I pleaded.

Smash! My vision started to blur and a loud ring fulfilled my ears.

"That's what you get, slut." He said before my entire world faded into a black blur.

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