Chapter 17

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~ Author ~

That night nothing really happened. They talked to August's manager and made plans to record a new single to get YN out there. The next day, everyone got dressed and was ready to go to the mall when Heavenly stopped, and started to talk.

"Mommie, I wanna go to the beach." She pouted.

"No, we're going to the mall. The beach is too far away." YN shrugged.

Just then, all hell broke loose. Heavenly started to throw a large tantrum.

"Heavenly, calm down." YN pleaded.

"HEAVENLY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!" August shouted in frustration.

"Shut the hell up, daddy." Heavenly looked at August in pure fury. August then yanked her up and took off his belt. He dragged her into the hotel room and beat Heavenly to the ground.

He walked out closing Heavenly alone.

"C'mon. She wanna act grown, well I'm going to treat her like she grown, and she gone stay here alone!" He stomped out of the hotel with YN following him.

YN and August went to the mall and spent some money on the both of them for once. They also went to lunch and had a couple drinks together.

"Umm August, I was thinking about giving Heavenly back to my sister, because I fell like I can't take care of James and Heavenly! That's just too much on our plate. But Heavenly can still visit, she just can't live with us." YN said looking down the entire time.

"That's fine with me, she a brat anyways." August said still kind of angry from earlier.

"You can talk about whoever the fuck you want to, but you will not talk that way about my daughter! That situation is over and done with, but your stubborn as is still on it! Imma need you to learn to let stuff go. Grow the fuck up! Damn August." She popped off and walked out of the private room in the restaurant.

August shrugged and left a $100 on the table. He walked out grabbing his keys and towards the car. YN stood against the door waiting for him. He unlocked the doors and hopped in. The radio and their phone were off, the entire ride was was silent. August then broke the silence.

"I'm sorry baby." He looked dearly into her eyes then focusing back onto the road.

"Sorry, that I popped off like. Its just that you pissed me off badly!" YN said looking in his direction.

August pulled up to the hotel and kissed YN gently. She pulled away not wanting to finish it and hopped out. They went into the hotel to see room service going to their room. They followed it and unlocked the door letting them in.

"Heavenly, where the fuck are you?!?" August yelled while looking around the large 2 story suite.

"I'm right here." She popped up from under the covers.

"Who the fuck told you to order room service?!?" August yelled.

"I got hungry and I wasn't going to starve myself until you too got back." Heavenly said innocently.

"Alright then take your pizza and get out I need to talk to Mommie alone!" He sat onto the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Where am I going to go?" She asked while grabbing her plate of 1 piece of cheese pizza and her juice.

"Just get the hell out!" He said calmly.

He kissed her neck after Heavenly left and sensually rubbed her "kitty" threw her leggings. She moaned softly as he sped up playing. Her lace panties were now soaking wet and the tension was high.

"Strip." He smirked. Yn started to slowly strip from her clothes teasing August.

The next 6 hours were filled up with hot air, vagina juices, rounds, bouncing, kissing, biting, no interruptions. They laid back afterwards in exhaustion above the covers. Heavenly walked back into the room and sat on the floor after throwing her plate away.

"That was a great talk. I was out, sitting by the door for hours!" Heavenly complained.

"Shud up." August said while climbing under the covers and picking Heavenly up.

Around this time, it was about midnight. They all watched a couple episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel- Air and fell asleep.

~ The Next Morning~ YN:

I woke to no one there, but Heavenly. I looked around to see no sign of August! I checked under the covers and his phone was lighting up. I grabbed it and saw there was 24 phone calls and 62 text messages from some bitch named Aaliyah. I then started to scroll threw his phone and look at everything before calling this chick back.

"Hey baby!" She answered.

"Who da fuck is this?!?" I yelled back.

"This is August's wife!" She said snapping back.

Just as she finished her sentence August walked into the room. I grew angry! I slammed the phone into the wall and started to yell at him.

"WHO THE FUCK IS AALIYAH?!??" I asked loudly.

"Its no one" August said calmly.


"ITS FUCKING NO ONE, YN!!!" He grew angry.

"YES THE HELL IT IS." I dropped to the floor and grabbed my suitcase and started throwing my stuff into them along with Heavenly's and James.

I finished packing our stuff. I got dressed and got them dressed and left. I hopped into the car and the tears came. I drove off crying hard heading towards the airport. Just as i pulled up, BOOM! The last thing I saw was a bright skin person before passing out.

~ A few hours later~

I woke up in a strange white place. I looked around to see myself lying in a hospital bed asleep with August by my side, crying. I started to walk away from the situation. I ran into a pale brown skin lady that looked alot like my granny.

"Abuela!!!" I screamed rushing to her.

"Hola mi bebe." She spoke showing her strong Spanish accent.

"¿ Dónde estoy ?" I asked.

"en el cielo,y en una coma" She responded.

I looked at her confused.

"¿cómo?" i asked getting even more confused.

"se metió en un accidente de coche y apuñalaron" She responded.

"cuánto tiempo voy a ser aquí con usted?" I asked.

"tu cho." She started to fade away in the middle of her sentence. I started to yell and cry for her to tell me more about why these bad things were happening to me and when would i see her again. After she was gone, my pigment started to fade away and soon my body parts. Before i was completely gone i looked down to see my fingers moving in August's hand and he had on a different outfit.

I had completely disappeared. I looked around to see i was in my normal body. I coughed a little and sat up. August walked over and called the nurses and doctor in. I looked around confused still. What the hell is going on now?!?

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