Chapter 34

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A/N: I'll be trying to update more often for you guys. But here's chapter 34.


August's POV.

I at at my desk with my hands in my hair. I've been sitting here for 3 days trying to figure out why has all this been going on. YN bursted into the room crying.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked her holding her in my tattooed arms.

"The found James." She started to break down even more. "He's in intensive care at St. Mary's children's hospital. They said he's really been shaken up." She was in a total mental break down.

I held her close to me with my body filling up with pure rage. Who would do this to a little boy? Why? I wanted to punch someone right now. I started to squeeze YN close to me forgetting she was alive and breathing. She started to kick and scream. I then forcefully pushed her off of me.

"What the fuck has gotten into you, August?" She shouted, "You almost killed me."

I stood up and walked out. I stepped into my boxing room. I stripped from my shirt and started to punch the punching bag. I took all my anger out onto the large, heavy, bag. I didn't feel like the same August anymore. I felt like Anthony, the angrier alter ego.


I sat on the floor in August's office, still trying to catch my breathe. I was still in shocked that he almost killed me. He said he would never harm me in any way. I tried to pull myself up, but everything felt woozy. I heard the door open and slam shut. Nicki walked in and sat me down out of breathe.

"It's Joesph and Kirk." She said quickly, rushing to get it out.


"I figured it all out!" She announced to me, "Kirk met Joseph and they both want you back as their slaves."

"So they killed Mama and Mel. Then kidnapped and tortured my baby?" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Yes. I don't know where they are now. I over heard them talking in the hospital room when I went to go see James." She left me in shock.

I hung my head down. My blood started to boil inside my skin. All that could travel threw my mind was, Why would they want to do this to ME out of all people, Why me? I broke down into many more wet salty tears. I couldn't believe it. When he said he wasn't done, he was serious, he really wasn't.

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