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When we arrived in the hallway, I kept ahold of y/n's hand. "Mum?" I shouted walking through the house. "Draco dear! Your back.." My mother exclaimed smiling and hugging me. I hugged her back smiling. "And y/n..hello darling, I was talking to your mother the other day." My mum smiled hugging y/n and kissing her cheek. "Is my father home?" I asked looking down. "Yes he's in his office, I'm sure he'd love to see you.." she replied smiling. "Let me take your bags." She continued taking hold of our bags. Y/n held my hand tighter as we walked towards the office. I knocked on the door and my father shouted, "Narcissa, how many times you don't have to fucking knock.." I heard my father shout. I opened the door and he smirked. "Hello my boy.." He began standing up. "And is this gorgeous girl y/n..gosh you've matured dear." My father smiled squeezing her shoulder.

I dug my nails into my palms and put my arm around her pulling y/n close to me. "Me and y/n are going upstairs.." I mumbled leaving the office and going to my room.

Draco's room-

Draco's room-

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"It's so different to your dorm at Hogwarts

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"It's so different to your dorm at Hogwarts.." Y/n smiled sitting down. I smirked and sat next to her pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry about what my dad did." I whispered while kissing her head. A house elf came into the room with our bags. "Do you two need anything?" The creature croaked. "No we don't get out.." I slightly yelled. I got a record out and turned my record player on. The song began playing and I collapsed on my bed. I felt y/n come up next to me and I sighed from relief. My father ferociously opened the door and cleared his throat. "Draco..I need you to come and you can't bring the girl with you." He spoke and I sat up. "Now!" He yelled grabbing my arm.

He turned to y/n, "you stay in here!" and with that we left the room and he locked the door. When I walked down the stairs, Voldemort was sat on a chair with a grin on his face and I gulped. "Draco..dear you have come of age to get your dark mark." My father barked. I nodded my head while sucking in a breath. Voldemort grabbed my left arm roughly and tears welled up in my eyes. His wand pointed to my fore arm and a shock of pain ran through me. It felt like it went on for eternity and when he finished the physical pain went away but the mental pain began. "Thank you my lord.." my father bowed and Voldemort smirked. "No problem Lucius.." and with that he left. "You can go now Draco.."my father said while pushing me. I looked to the corner of the room and there was my mother with a tear running down her face. I pulled my sleeve back down because I didn't want to worry y/n.

I unlocked the door with a spell and y/n was there still sat on my bed. She turned her head around to look at me, "Is everything ok?" I nodded my head and sat next to her. "What did your father want?" She asked striking my shoulder. "Nothing ok! Just leave me alone!" I yelled in her face. I saw her face drop and I felt guilt wash over me as she moved to a chair on the other side of the room. "Y/n I'm sorry..I can't tell you, I don't want you to get hurt." I mumbled and she just ignored me. "Draco, you need to learn how to control your temper because I'm fed up of you always saying sorry.." she gulped and I heard the sadness in her voice. I stood up and walked over to the chair y/n was sat in. "Y/n..I'm sorry, please forgive me." I mumbled standing behind her. As she stared out of my window, tears filled her eyes. "Fine I'll tell you but please don't leave me.." I whispered spinning the chair that she was sat in to face me. I looked down at her and she looked up at me. I gulped and lifted my sleeve up to reveal the dark mark. With that, I broke down into tears and y/n immediately stood up and hugged me.

"I don't want it y/n..please make it go away." I cried and she put her hands on my shoulders. "It's ok darling..just take a deep breath." She whispered calmly. I listened to her and sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. "Please don't cry.." she whispered stroking my hair. I looked up and wiped my tears. "I love you..and it's going to be ok." She said while kissing my hands. I stood up and hugged her tightly never wanting to let go. Someone knocked on the door and I croaked, "Come in!" Y/n let go of me and leaned against a table. My father opened the door, "dinner is ready.." and I grabbed y/n's hand shoving my father on the way out of the room. As we went down the stairs, my mum was setting the table. "Hi Narcissa.." y/n smiled still holding my hand and sitting down. My mum returned the smile to y/n while she wiped a tear. She went into the kitchen and brought back two dishes of (your favorite food).

After dinner, we went back up to my dorm and I put some pyjamas on and so did y/n. We went into my bathroom and brushed our teeth. We got into bed and y/n laid on my chest as I got a book out. I began to read to her and she drifted off. I kissed her soft head after turning the lamp off. Eventually I fell asleep too trying not to think about the nightmare my life would soon turn into.

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