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15 days ago y/n told me that she would 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 about getting back together. We hadn't really talked much since then, the odd 'hi' in the hallway and stuff but other than that nothing. I understand she needs time to think though and I don't want to push anything onto her. I obviously still crave her love, attention and just everything about her but I understand she needs space. I was an absolute fucking dick to her when we were dating but I need to know when she's ready. When is she going to realise I'm the one for her? When will she notice I'm the one who will always be there for her? When will y/n realise she is mine?
Y/n's outfit:

 When is she going to realise I'm the one for her? When will she notice I'm the one who will always be there for her? When will y/n realise she is mine?Y/n's outfit:

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Me and Louis were sat in the common room playing a card game when y/n came down. For a change, she sat very close to me sitting crossed legged so she could see my cards. "What game are you both playing?" She asked angelically while looking between the two of us. "Twenty-one or blackjack or whatever you want to call it.." Louis smiled as he placed two cards down which added to 19. "Don't you need someone to dish out the cards.." she asked looking confused and I chuckled. "Me and Louis just put them into a pile and pick two cards each and if we need any more we pick them.." I explain making a bold choice to put my arm around her shoulder. I placed two kings down (20) and smirked. "Okay I've got a little deal for you Draco.." y/n smirked and my eyes lit up as the smirk also grew more on my face.

"You both keep playing blackjack and if you win three rounds in a row, I'll get back together with you." She smiled and I raised my eye brows and nodded my head. Then, y/n snatched the cards off of me and Louis and began shuffling the deck. She placed a card in front of both of us and I got an ace. She placed another one down a two of diamonds and sat back. I had no idea what Louis had yet. "Hit or stand?" Y/n asked Louis and he smirked. "Stand.." the cocky bastard said and I rolled my eyes. "Hit or stand.." she repeated and I looked at her with a smile. "Hit.." I said in her ear. Then, she placed down an eight of diamonds and my whole life turned amazing again. "Twenty one.." I smirked showing Louis and y/n my cards. "I literally had twenty.." Louis whined and y/n laughed. "Round two Malfoy.." y/n smiled at me and placed two cards down in front of me.

A three of diamonds and a queen, Louis had the cockiest grin on his face and I swear if he messed this up for me.."hit or stand?" Y/n asked and I looked down at my cards then back at her. "Hit." I smiled and she placed a five of hearts down and I smirked. "Hit or stand Louis?" Y/n asked and he looked at his cards. "Uhhh stand." He said and y/n looked at me. "Hit or stand Draco?" She asked and I looked at my cards nervously. They added up to eighteen. "Stand." I mumbled turning my cards over then Louis did the same. "Fuck you Draco, I'm always one below.." he said and I laughed, this was the last time then she was mine again. "Final round.." y/n smiled as she did the same as she did before and placed a king of hearts and a queen of hearts in front of me. "Hit or stand?" She asked Louis and he replied with, "hit." The next thing I knew, he threw his cards down on the table. "Two over.." he sighed and I looked at y/n. "Hit.." I said risking everything but that's what life is about..taking risks. In front of me was then placed the ace of hearts. "Twenty-fucking-one.." I smirked and we both stood up.

I walked up to her and held her waist before kissing her deeply. "I have missed you so mucking much.." I whispered in her ear and she smirked. "You're like a cat Draco you have nine life's with me..one more left then that's it." She said and I gulped nodding my head. "Do you hear me Malfoy?" Y/n asked pulling on my jumper's collar. "Then that is it.." she whispered repeating herself and I nodded my head. "Yes.." I mumbled and I pulled her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead before pulling her into a hug.

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