- ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ -

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I was at one of the meetings with Voldemort and he was talking about how he wanted mudbloods to suffer and all that shit. This man, I think he was another follower, came into the room and Voldemort just tortured him 'for fun' using the crucio curse then he used the avada kedavra curse. That could have been me. That could have been anyone. I was getting so stressed and my father started laughing right next to me and then everyone else starting laughing too. "That is why you do not show up late to my meetings.." Voldemort hissed. It was one of my worst nightmares other than y/n leaving me.

After the meeting I apparated back to Hogwarts knowing how messed up that was. For some reason, it got me all emotional, added with my stress before that so I went straight up to my dorm and broke down in tears forgetting I locked y/n in because she was still asleep before I left. I looked up and saw y/n stop searching through my book collection as she stared at me with concern. "What's wrong darling.." Y/n whispered sitting next to me and pulling me into her arms. I cried into her chest for what seemed like hours and she sat there whispering it's going to be ok every now and then. "Thank you darling.." I croaked standing up and checking how red my eyes are in the mirror.

After I told her that I was just very stressed which wasn't a lie, we went up to Louis' dorm. "Hello cookie, hi Draco." Louis smiled while he sat down next to Angela after he opened the door for us. I half smiled at him and y/n went up to him and hugged him. I sat down on the couch and y/n sat next to me. I didn't realise my sleeve slightly roll upwards. "Draco is that a umm dark mark.." Angela mumbled seeing my arm and I breathed shakily immediately pulling my sleeve down. "Why did you not tell me?" Louis inquired sitting up and I replied, "I don't know..it's been a really rough few days can we just drop it." Y/n's head fell onto my shoulder in a way to tell me I'll be ok I think. We were meant to be listening to music and just having fun but now we were sat in deafening silence.

⚠︎ mention of self harm ⭣

"Can you umm get rid of it?" Angela mumbled breaking the silence. "What do you fucking think!" I yelled pulling up my sleeve and showing the mark covered in scratch marks and cuts. Angela gulped and y/n softly placed her hand over the mark. "Why didn't you tell-tell me you was doing this to yourself." Y/n stammered looking back up at me from my arm. Rage boiled inside me and I looked at her like she was prey. She doesn't need to know 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 fucking detail about my life. It's not like I'm just going to live with it, she's so fucking stupid. "Maybe because you don't need to fucking know everything about me! I fucking swear..your one of the dumbest people I've ever fucking met, you don't even care about me you just fucking want me for my looks because you're such a fucking skank!" I thundered after I stood up towering over her. I left the room and slammed the door. Seconds later, I heard the door open thinking it was y/n so I stopped walking and turned around only to see Louis.

"What the fuck!" Louis shouted while he closed the door. I gulped only now processing everything I said to y/n. "You've got a fucking problem, you sick fuck!" Louis yelled walking up to me and I gulped. "It was only yesterday when you were telling me how fucking much you loved her and now she's in there bawling her eyes out..because of you." He hissed and in that moment y/n came out wiping tears off of her face. "Y/n..I-I didn't mean it.." I gulped. Before I could even finish the sentence I was cut off my a hard slap across the face. "We're over Draco." Y/n mumbled before walking up to her dorm. In that small moment, my heart (if I even had one) shattered into a million pieces. All it takes is 5 minutes for your whole life to be ruined. I turned around and Louis grabbed my arm, "Don't go to her Draco, give her some space. I need you to fucking listen to me. That girl is like a sister to me and if I catch you saying anything like that again then we're no longer friends.." Louis informed me harshly and I nodded my head gulping. I do have a problem. I'm just like my father..
I sighed running my hands down my face before walking down the hallway to my own dorm.

"We're over" kept playing on my head. She said it so coldly like it didn't mean fuck to her. What was wrong with me? Had I just ruined everything I've ever hoped and dreamed of since the very moment I set eyes on y/n. Why would I even say that? She's not dumb or a skank, she's clever and beautiful and I would do anything for her. If only I could tell her but I can't because I don't want her to get hurt. Why me?

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