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Y/n strolled into the great hall searching for me or our friends and I slightly waved at her. She smiled at me and walked over before giving me a passionate kiss on the lips. "Why thank you.." I smirked as she sat next to me. "Draco.." y/n annoyingly asked which meant she wanted something. "What is it?" I sighed looking at her. "Well Ardon has kind of asked me to go with him today just to study in the library. I was just making sure that's ok." She smiled putting her hand on mine. "What if I say it's fucking not.." I snapped and she sighed. "Then I'm going to go anyway..because Ardon is making an effort to become our friend." Y/n argued. I slammed my fist down on the table and glanced at her. "If you do that then I 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 fucking beat him up." I hissed. "You are so fucking annoying!" Y/n yelled pushing me backwards from my seat and with that she stormed off. Me and y/n keep on getting into these little fights where she hits me or pushes me or something but I will never do the same to her.

I did feel kind of bad so I followed her and shouted her name multiple times but she ignored me. "Y/n will you fucking acknowledge me!" I ordered finally catching up to her and putting my hands on her shoulders and turning her to face me. "Draco..I don't understand you sometimes. Your so fucking possessive it's not like Ardons going to fuck me in the library!" Y/n yelled again. "Well maybe I wouldn't have to be so fucking possessive if you don't go and flirt with guys so they come back begging for more and then you come to me so I can give you even more fucking attention than them!" I blurted out loudly my mind racing but my heart racing even more with rage. Y/n scoffed and roughly took my hands off of her shoulders before darting out of the room while her middle finger coated in cherry nail polish was stuck up at me. I banged my fist against the wall releasing my anger and I dashed to the library hoping to make sure Ardon doesn't try anything with my y/n.

As I walked into the library, I saw y/n and Ardon looking at a big book and writing stuff down. Y/n saw me and rolled her eyes before saying something to Ardon. I began walking up to them and y/n placed her pen down and looked at me. "What do you want.." She mumbled as I reached them. I sat down in front of the two people and glared at Ardon. "I want you to fucking leave Ardon and come with me!" I slightly yelled. Y/n completely ignored me and just started talking to Ardon about some sort of potion. I banged my fist down on the table, "Will you fucking listen to me!" I gritted my teeth. Y/n just kept talking and I couldn't hold in my anger anymore, I had to leave before I did something I didn't want to do. I stood up and left the library and y/n followed me. "Draco! Wait.." she called after me and I stopped and leaned against a wall.

"I'm sorry..you just really pissed me off." She apologized and I smirked. "Whatever let's just go back to my dorm." I smiled putting my arm around her shoulder. "I'm going back to the library..why do you think I've left all my stuff there." She said looking up at me. I raised my eyebrows and grabbed her chin roughly. "Go and get your stuff and get back here..ok?" I whispered and she nodded gulping. In that moment Ron fucking Weasley and the famous Potter walked past. "What are you doing with y/n, Malfoy?" Ron asked seeing y/n rub her chin and I saw the bright red mark I had left. "You ok?" Harry asked y/n inspecting her chin and she nodded. "It's none of your fucking business pottah..so fuck off.." I exclaimed walking up to y/n. Harry glared at me and began walking away. "You can always talk to us.." Ron smiled at y/n before following Potter around like a puppy. "I'm sorry.." I gulped. She shook her head annoyed while poking her cheek with her tongue from the inside of her mouth and walked off to the library. I sucked in a breath and followed her. "Y/n, you better fucking wait!" I shouted and she stopped at the end of the corridor. "Go inside there and get your fucking things and come back out to me." I demanded and she listened to me. She came back out wearing her jacket and her bag and I smiled at her. "Thank you for listening my love." I smiled kissing her head and she moved away from me. "I did that for my own fucking benefit Draco.not yours!" She snapped and within a second I received a hit across my cheek. Before I even had a second to process it, she was walking away towards the Slytherin common room.

I arrived and I went up to her dorm. I opened the door and she was sat on her bed reading. "I'm sorry y/n.." I sighed sitting down. "You should be.." she mumbled not taking her eyes off of her book. I smirked and climbed over to where y/n was sitting on the bed. With my finger I pushed her book down and she finally looked at me with something other than annoyance and I kissed her cheek and her chin repeatedly. "Fine I forgive you.." she sighed and finally her lips met mine and we shared a very passionate slow kiss.

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