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Izuku Yagi was dead. There was no doubt about that. Toshinori watched as his son's mutilated corpse was carted into the ambulance. The cast iron rail on which he had landed had barely bent, Izuku's scarred and frail body held nowhere near enough momentum to break the bar holding it together. Toshinori realized because of his family's neglect, Izuku barely was alive when he jumped. His perpetual smile faltered as he watched the paramedics collect the boy's severed tissue from the harpoon like heads of the fence. He felt a hand slowly slip into his as his daughter curled into his chest, tears staining his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her as her mother leapt to hysterics. 

Inko attempted to climb into the ambulance only for a male nurse to hold her back. "Please, that's my baby." "Ma'am please. He didn't make it." Inko fell to her knees as her son was shipped off to the morgue. 

Shoto, Bakugou, Katsumi, and Shoka watched in horror and sadness as Detective Tsukauchi exited the building holding an envelope. He handed it to Mr Yagi before offering his condolences to the Symbol of Peace. Toshinori thanked him before turning to them and sighing. "We'll read it at home." He told his daughter and her friends as he picked up his wife.

Inko struggled in Toshinori's hands as she grasped at the ambulance. "No please. My baby needs me." She screamed as she tried using her telekinesis on him. Scratching and biting like a cornered animal, as she tried desperately to get to her son. A river of tears streamed down her face as she watched the ambulance leave and the people disperse.


Izuku woke, rested but uncomfortable in a large, stiff bed. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a bedroom, dark and cold. He sat up, the sun behind him warming his back as he looked around. Horns, weapons, and furniture of all types surrounded him.

Footsteps interrupted his train of thought as the boy climbed out of the bed, the chilly air biting his skin as he left the blanket

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Footsteps interrupted his train of thought as the boy climbed out of the bed, the chilly air biting his skin as he left the blanket. He pushed it aside as he set his feet down, the cold wood waking him up as the frigid air nipped at his shirtless torso. The floor creaked loudly as he tiptoed towards a mirror. He looked into it, and much to his amazement, his scars were gone. The scar from where Kacha- No, Bakugou blasted him into that tree, resulting in a broken branch impaling him through the lung. That was a few weeks ago and caused Izuku to develop a nasty cough, blood often coming up with every fit. He asked his moth- Inko if she could take him to a doctor, but she once again ignored him as Izumi needed help with her homework. He felt around the spots where large blemishes once adorned his body, feeling nothing but smooth skin and peach fuzz. He brought a hand to his face, feeling around for any signs of fever, watching the mirror as he moved his bangs out of the way. His forehead was the same temperature as the rest of his body but that wasn't what stood out to him. As he brushed his hair out of his eyes, he noticed that his corneas were no longer there. His eyes were blank, and yet he could still see quite well. Izuku waved a hand in front of his eye, seeing it vividly. He looked around the room for a magnifying glass only to find on the wall aside his bed a cachet of weapons.

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