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A lone figure made his way through the hallway of Musutafu General, the hospital staff ignoring him completely. Passing by the rooms, he looked for one in particular. '459, 460, 461.' He smiled 'Found it.' He thought as he entered the room. The lights were off and in the center of the darkness, a single bed holding an elderly man, wires and tubes being the only things holding him in the world of the living. Slowly, he reached into his jacket before pulling out a syringe. He studied the glowing red liquid before pulling off the cap and plunging the needle into the bag of saline connected right to the comatose patient's heart. Slowly, the monitor gained speed, and the once still man had clenched his fingers.

Yasuda Mito's eyes shot open, before studying the room around him. "Where am I? What is this place?" He asked as he regained his bearings. A white room, dark and bleak, he inhaled the dry cold air before noticing a tall, looming figure in the corner. "Who are you?" He rasped. "Show yourself." Silently, the tall man approached, and the elderly man gasped. "Good morning Mr Mido." Sir Nighteye said, tapping his fingers against his leg. "We have much to discuss."


Herobrine stared intently at the seven holders of One for All. "Izuk-" "Stop!" The young king  asserted. "Please listen." Nana Shimura pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "What do you want? Why did you bring me here?" Herobrine announced, his temper flaring. "We need you to help Izumi, please." She begged. "Is that it?" Herobrine asked, his eyebrow raised in agitated suspicion. "You just want me to help Izumi? This is just about Izumi?" He said, his mood dropping further. A white haired man stood up before announcing himself. "One for All is killing Izumi." 

Herobrine sighed. "I don't know why you think I would care. Izumi made her bed by accepting that cursed quirk, now she must lie in it." He said. "But Izumi-" "It's always about Izumi. Izumi this, Izumi that. Now tell me why you're really doing this. Are you trying to get me to heal Izumi or take One for All for myself?" Nana sobbed. "Please just help her. Her parents and the doctors don't know what's wrong." "Why should I?" "Because she's your sister Izuku." "My name is Herobrine and I have no sister. Now tell me why One for All is killing her." The white haired man sighed. "One for All is a stockpiling quirk. Now collectively, our quirks are not that powerful however-" "The combined energy of seven quirks in the body of a child with an already powerful quirk is a recipe for disaster." Herobrine responded. "Correct." A bald man wearing a pair of goggles replied.

Herobrine smirked. "So if Yagi had given it to me or another quirkless, we wouldn't be having this problem?" "Yes." Most of the users spoke up. He raised a finger to his chin, contemplating. "If I kill All for One, One for All won't have a purpose. I've made up my mind. I'm going to kill All for One." Herobrine said, studying the back of his hand. "Izuku, you can't. Only One for All can defeat him." Herobrine smirked. "If anything I have a leg up because I don't have a quirk. He can't take something I don't have, and I can't be damaged by non magic. Once I finish him off, One for All will become obsolete, and everything All Might has thrown his life away working for will have been in vain." "Please Izuku, Toshinori already blames All for one for what happened to you. At least let him and Izumi have this." Herobrine shook his head, chuckling.

"Do you really hate us that much?" Nana asked, tears welling. Herobrine gently grasped her shoulder. "My dear sweet grandmother. I don't hate you. I despise Toshinori, Inko, and the rest of the bastards, however I'm not gonna let that stop me from living my life. I'll help my real family without hesitation, but I'm killing All for One just to show All Might what a failure he is." Herobrine said before turning around. "And just so you know Nana, the moment I returned to this realm is the moment All for One became the least of your worries." He said before fading away.


Mito's fist shook furiously as he listened, Sir Nighteye's words burning themselves deep into his mind. It had been an hour since he had awakened and "-And that is why you need to deal with Overhaul. He is no longer a Yakuza but a full blown villain." "Where is Eri?" Mirai didn't understand. "Where is my granddaughter? WHERE IS SHE?" He shouted as Sir stood back. "The little girl? One of Chisaki's men was seen with a little gray haired girl. Your resuscitation is apart of her rescue and his arrest." "WHAT HAS THAT BASTARD DONE WITH MY GRANDDAUGHTER?!" He shouted. "I don't know!" "His obsession has gone too far." Yasuda spoke darkly. "Obsession?" Sir Nighteye didn't like where this was going. "He is obsessed with erasing all quirks, destroying hero society and placing the Yakuza back on top. Eri's quirk is capable of rewinding organic matter. Kai is trying to rewind society. KAI IS USING ERI TO REWIND SOCIETY!" Nighteye, in all his years, hadn't been this disgusted. The realization that Overhaul was using Eri to build a weapon capable of destroying society was terrifying. "I need to make a phone call." He said as he pulled out his phone. "As do I." Yasuda said, cracking his knuckles.

Nighteye nervously tapped at the buttons on his phone before raising it to his ear. "Hello" "Izuku. Things with the Yakuza are much worse then I thought. I'm going to need a lot of help." "Ok uncle. I'll need a minute." "Thank you, nephew. That's all I ask" The line went dead. Sir Nighteye hoped that Herobrine and his forces would be enough to take on the Shie Hissaki.

Mido waited, silently hoping he would answer. "Good evening, how may I help you?" "Is this number to the Dragon." "Yes sir, however he is busy at the moment." "That's not important. Tell him Yasuda Mito is cashing in his favor." "I'll tell him. Don't worry." "Thank you." Mido hoped that he would help. Kazuma Kiryu usually came through.


Izumi was in the middle of a dream. Shoto and Katsuki were fanning her while her brother was feeding her katsudon. She laid back, her beach chair supporting her as she relaxed in the morning sun. Suddenly a shadow appeared, blotting out her rays. She opened her eyes and raised her sunglasses.

"Hello Izumi, we need to talk." "Grandma?"

Please like and comment. The next chapter is gonna be Eri's rescue. Who do you want to adopt Eri?

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now