A Very Eri Christmas

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(This chapter is optionally canon, you can skip it if you want. I don't care if the name is cheesy, I thought it was cute.)

Herobrine scrunched his fist as he stared at his paperwork, contemplating his next move.  In a few days, it will be Christmas. He had introduced his court to the concept, but few practiced it. He himself hadn't actually celebrated Christmas since his arrival in the Overworld, but since this was Eri's first official Christmas, he wanted to make it special.

"Eri." Herobrine called his daughter. She looked up from her coloring book. "Yeah?" "Do you know what the day after tomorrow is?" "Uhm, nope." She said cutely as she scribbled on the paper. "Well, once a year, people come together to celebrate and give each other gifts." "That sounds like fun." He smiled "It is. So Eri, I was just wondering what you wanted for Christmas." Eri pondered as she paused her doodling. "I don't really want anything. I'm just happy to spend it with you, and Mama, and everyone else." She smiled. Herobrine clutched his heart, trying to prevent a cuteness induced heart attack. "But Eri, that's the same thing you said on your birthday."


"Eri, what do you want for your birthday?" Bruja asked Eri as the young girl followed the witch down the main hallway. "Nothing really, just my family to be here." She said as she trotted along behind Bruja, who was crying at the wholesome scene. "Aww. But, do you want any toys or clothes or anything?" "No thanks." Bruja slowed "How about a party?" "Nope, I just want everyone to have fun." Bruja deadpanned. "Not even a cake?" Eri turned "We can have cake?" She said excitedly "Well it's your birthday, you can have whatever desert you want." Eri perked up. "Do they have apple cakes?" "Dondrick could make several different apple cakes and stack them on top of each other. Would you like that?" "Yeah." Eri said doing an excited little dance. "Cake, cake cake!" She chanted as she marched down the corridor. 

"Did somebody say cake?" Bub asked as he and the rest of Herobrine's underlings came out of the break room. "Yeah, it's my birthday soon, and we're gonna have a huge cake." Eri said as she continued her chant, the underlings joining her. "Cake, cake, cake!" Bruja stared at the group as they walked towards the kitchen. "What's going on?" Herobrine appeared, before turning to Bruja. "CAAAAAAAAAKE!" Eri shouted as she tackled her father's leg. "You brought up her birthday?" He asked contemptibly. "You said it was a special occasion." "You're right."


Herobrine looked at Eri unamused. She gave him a cheeky smile and he couldn't help but smile back. "All right Eri, how about this. We do a secret Santa." "A what?" "Secret Santa, we each pick a name from a hat and get that person a gift." She smiled "That sounds like fun." "It is." She then frowned. "But I don't have any money." Herobrine patted her on the head. "That's okay, I'll give you the money." He said as she ran up and hugged him. "Thank you."

Herobrine, Eri, Bruja, Charlotte, the other members of Herobrine's court, and the Tax Collectors all gathered in Herobrine's office. "Alright everyone, we're going to play a game. Since it is Eri's first Christmas, we've decided to do a secret Santa. Any questions?" Reaper raised his hand. "Santa is the big red stalker I told you about." Reaper lowered his hand. Herobrine placed a bunch of slips of paper onto his desk and held up a bucket. "Now everyone, grab a piece of paper, write your name on it, and put it in the bucket."

Herobrine walked around the room, holding out the bucket so that everyone could take a name. "Remember, don't tell anyone the name of the recipient. Otherwise, we'll have to start over." He said as everyone grabbed a slip of paper. "And don't look at your person until I give the okay, got it?" Every agreed as they each took their slip.

As soon as everyone had picked, Herobrine spoke. "On my count. Three, two, one. Check." Everyone checked their cards. Some groaned, others smiled.

Herobrine picked Slippy

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