Terraria II

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Quick question, in the war between the Overworld and Japan, which countries do you think would be on which side, and why?

Axel shot the cultist before pulling out his shashka and looking around. Gunshots rang out as his men fought the cult. Suddenly, a cultist appeared before the Colonel and slashed at him only for Axel to block. Behind him, DeHadd pulled out his scimitar before lopping off the cultist's sword hand. The man screamed as Axel shot the man in the head. Axel then turned and shot two more cultists before running to a nearby tent. "Lookout!" DeHadd shouted as he pushed Axel out of way of an arrow.

Axel turned back and aimed before taking out a cultist armed with a bow. More archer cultists appeared as Axel and DeHadd retreated. "MACHINE GUN!" One of the cultists shouted as gunfire lit up the night. "They know what a machine gun is?" Grisly asked DeHadd as he ducked behind a crate. "Yes. I had a quad barrel in my tent." Axel stared at the other man. "Then go get it. I'll cover you." Axel said as he fired. DeHadd nodded before running back to the tent. 


Herobrine studied the map the Expedition Corp had sent him and compared it to the map he had of the Eastern end of the Overworld. "It all makes sense now." He said as he studied the borders. "Charlotte! Bruja! Someone, come take a look at this!" He shouted as he measured the coast. Charlotte, Bruja, Bub, Eri, and Goliath rushed in. "What's up?" Bub asked as he looked at the table. "Is that a puzzle?" Eri asked as she stood on her tiptoes to see. "You're right, Eri." Herobrine said as he lifted her onto his chair.

"You see that inlet right there?" Herobrine asked as he pointed at the map of the Overworld. "Yeah." "Now look at this." He said as he pointed to the map of Terraria. "You see that peninsula? How they're the same shape?" He asked as Charlotte nodded. "Now, let's see what happens if you put them together. Bub, hand me those scissors please." Herobrine asked as the zombie did so. Herobrine began cutting. "Now then, do any of you remember what used to be there?" He asked as he finished cutting the map. "A trail hub." Bruja said as she thought about the idea Herobrine had. "Why would a trail lead directly into the ocean?" Bub asked, scratching his forehead. Herobrine stared as he put the two maps together. "Perfect fit." He whispered as he held them up. "If I'm right, which I usually am, the Overworld and Terraria were one at one point. Which raises the question." The others stared at him curiously.

"Just why are they separate now?"


"So let me get this straight?" David said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not only was Izuku reincarnated as the leader of a parallel universe, but he returned and you didn't think to tell us?" "We tried, however problems came up with All Might and Hurricane. We were doing our best to keep them from finding out, but they along with Izumi and Shoka still managed to scrape together enough brain cells to figure it out." Nezu said as he took a sip of his tea.

Melissa and David stared at Nezu from the other side of his desk. It had been only the day prior that they had found out that Herobrine was Izuku. "So Herobrine is Izuku?" Melissa asked "Yes." Nezu said as he put his cup down before pulling out a folder and sliding it across the table. David grabbed the folder and opened it. Pulling out several papers, he studied each while handing the ones he was done with to Melissa. "Okay, the DNA checks out, but Herobrine looks nothing like Izuku." "Apparently, the ten months Izuku was gone was three years for him. It's not impossible for people to grow in that time and you know how tall Toshinori is, and they do have hair dyes in the Overworld. As for the freckles, makeup I figured."

David nodded. "So why didn't he tell us himself?" "As you know, kings and emperors are usually quite busy with politics. But when he visited, he did give me something he wanted you to have." Nezu said as he pulled a package out of his desk drawer. David looked at the package and noticed the name on it was written in Izuku's handwriting. "Do you know what it is?" David asked as he picked it up. "Something quite revolutionary, I can assure you." Nezu smiled. "Nezu, do you think it would be a good idea if I invited Herobrine to I-Island?" Nezu smiled.


Kurogiri washed a glass as Shigaraki spoke to the new members. "All right, so a few weeks from now, the brats at UA will be going to a forest training camp a few dozen kilometers from the nearest town." The others nodded.

The new recruits consisted of a girl in a school girl uniform with fangs and yellow eyes, a man resembling a lizard with purple hair and a mask, a tall woman with a large mouth and sunglasses, a man in a black suit, a man in a yellow coat and top hat, a boy wearing a gas mask and helmet, a large man in a red tank top with a glass eye, and a person(?) wrapped in a black leather tarp.

"SHIGGY!" Someone shouted as Katsumi Bakugo burst through the back door. "What the hell do you want now?" "You didn't tell me you had extras coming over." Shigaraki sighed as he considered dusting the Pomeranian. "So what are you losers in for?" "Little girl, call me a loser again and I will snap your Goddamn neck." The man in the red tank top said as he stood up, towering over her. "Just you try it fucker." Katsumi said as she prepared to kill the man. "If you two are going to fight, could you at least do it outside." Kurogiri said as he poured the man in the top hat a drink. "THE TWO OF YOU STOP RIGHT NOW!" They both stood down as the king of the underworld spoke up on his screen.

"Tomura, explain to me why you let that rabid animal back in here." "She rushed in and called the new recruits losers and tried to fight Muscular." The gamer said as he looked at his shoes. "Everybody leave. I need to talk to Tomura, alone." All for One said as the others rushed out of the room.

"Tomura, what are we?" "The League of Villains." "And tell me, why did you let that chomo into the group?" "Well, she raped All Might's son, and I figured that if the students at UA saw her, it would bring up a lot of trauma for them." All for One sighed as he faced Tomura. "While that is good thinking, she is an unstable beast convicted of one of the few crimes so heinous even I wouldn't commit it." The leader said as Tomura looked down in shame. "Look, Tomura, I understand the value of this raid, but after the forest camp raid, I want you to get rid of her." "Yes Sensei." "Honestly, her obsession with that Yagi boy is freakish. Even All Might doesn't obsess over me that much."

The bell on the door rang as someone entered the bar. "Get out, we're closed." Shigaraki said as he approached the customer. "I'm not here for a drink." The person said as they approached. "Are you going to turn us in?" He asked, ready to rush them. "Not that either. I'm here because I want revenge on somebody, and you're gonna help me get it." As he got closer, he figured out who he was staring at. Looking at them, he had only one thought on his mind.

"What's a hero like you doing here?"

Who is our new villain? Will Herobrine go to I-Island? Will I ever stop procrastinating the Terraria war? FInd out the next chapter. Remember to vote and comment.

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now