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Hero Public Safety Commission President Harukichi Kajiwara watched the video presented to her, tapping her fingers together gently as she studied the information. "This is very interesting Ms Takano. Though, how did you come upon this information?" Maiya Takano stood up before speaking "I was following Herobrine in order to get an interview. We had stopped to get lunch at this great Thai place-" "Get to the point." "Sorry. My sound man Takahiro pointed Herobrine and that Charlotte woman out by the escalators with a little white haired girl when an older couple with a baby approached them. I thought they were getting  an autograph but Takahiro had his mike ready and we managed to pick up that Herobrine actually has two daughters. Living here in Japan." "Well, that is important. What are the names of these children?" "Well, the blonde one is called Hanako and the white haired one is Eri." Kajiwara nodded. "Chato." Her secretary looked up. "Have somebody look into these two. We could use the information. As for you miss Takano, for your contribution, we guarantee an interview with Herobrine, and All Might." Maiya nodded before bowing and making her leave. The armed guard by the door followed her out and less than a minute later, a quiet gunshot was heard. "Herobrine, your days are numbered." 


Herobrine, his children, Charlotte, their subordinates, Sir Nighteye, Nezu, the Todorokis, Mr and Mrs Bakugou, Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, Gran Torino, and Recovery Girl had gathered in UA's meeting room.  "So they found out." Herobrine sighed as he face palmed. "Izumi managed to snag one of your hairs and did a DNA test with it and one of your old bandages. I tried to sabotage it but I had to treat Eri." "I completely understand." Herobrine replied as he watched Eri play with Hanako.  "Everyone. I believe the time has come for Charlotte and I to return to Overworld." Most of the room was taken back by the revelation. "I know you need to return to your royal duties. I just wish you were leaving on better terms." Nezu said as Aizawa nodded. "You have it better there than you had it here. It's not our place to stop you. We just hope you'll return sooner this ti-" Eraserhead was cut off as the door slammed open. 



The Yagis and the Todoroki twins made their way to Nezu's office, hoping the principal would arrange a meeting between them and the young king. As soon as Toshinori opened the door, he loudly shouted his catchphrase. When they noticed the room's occupants, they realised something. Friends, family, and the man himself. "Son." Toshinori said as he stared at Herobrine. "MY BABY!" Inko shouted as she launched herself at Herobrine. Suddenly, she paused mid air as the King held an enclosed fist up. "What- Oh Izuku. You have my quirk." Inko cooed as Herobrine sneered. "Is that it?" "Izuku Yagi, put your mother down this instant." "Bub. Cover Eri's ears." The zombie nodded before doing so as Herobrine slammed Inko into the ground. "Toshinori. What in fuck's name is wrong with you? How fucking dare you do something like this?" "Son, I-" "I'm not your son. Your son took a swan dive off of a roof and died." "Izuku, when All for One took your quirk-" "What the fuck are you talking about? WHat the actual fuck are you talking about? All for One taking my quirk. I never fucking had a quirk. It was an inherited trait from you, you piece of shit. I didn't get a quirk  because you didn't have one. You blame All for One because you don't want to take responsibility for being the reason your son killed himself." Izumi spoke up "Izuku please-" "I wasn't talking to you, you abusive bitch. Now Inko, the first thing you do when you see me is bring up me having a quirk. I still don't have a quirk. I don't want a quirk and I don't need one." "Izu, please. You need to come home. I really miss you. When I found out you were alive, I knew it was meant to be. Katsumi said she didn't mind sharing you." Shoko cried as tears welled up in her mismatched eyes. "First off, how dare you tell that crazy bitch about me. Second, I have a home, and it's better because you and your brother aren't there." Herobrine said as Charlotte, Bub, Eri, and the rest of his underlings walked behind him. "Izuku, you need-" "Izumi, shut up. Your voice is hard enough to listen to without you shouting." "Son, you can't fight All for One." 

"Why not?"

All Might paused. "Because you don't have a quirk." "That it." "Izuku..." "My name is Herobrine. Secondly, I do not need a quirk to make an example out of that good for nothing, potato faced asshat and his neckbeard kid." "Please, just take One for All." Toshinori said. "I don't want it." "Izuku, please. It's the only way." "Please my boy. Just take it. Izumi, give your brother One for All." Izumi mumbled something. "I said I don't need your pathetic quirk. Did All for One destroy your hearing too?" "Son, it's the only way, now Izumi, hop to it." "Toshi-" "Son-" "Inko-" "I sa-" "Izumi, giv-" 

"I DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE!" Izumi shouted, immediately silencing everyone in the room.

"What?" Toshinori asked quietly. "I don't have it." Izumi whispered as she cried. "That's enough." Nezu said. "Now Herobrine. I know you can teleport between worlds, so if it isn't too much hastle, now is a good time to return to Overworld." Herobrine nodded before picking up Eri and walking over to Hanako. "Bye Hanako, I'll see you soon." He said as he kissed her forehead. The baby smiled before bouncing up and down. "Goodbye everyone. I'll see you all soon. I'd tell you when, but certain induviduals don't deserve to know." He said as he glared at the Yagis. "Izuku please." Inko cried as she watched a purple portal open and Charlotte and his underlings going through it. "Eri, you excited to see your new home." "Yeah!" Eri cheered as Herobrine and his forces went to the portal. "Goodbye for now." "Bye bye, everybody." Eri cheered as Herobrine carried her through the portal, it closing behind him. "IZUKU NO!" Inko shouted as she desperately ran to the wall where the portal had appeared. "I can't lose you again."

Izumi stared at the ground as Sir Nighteye marched towards her. "IZUMI!" Sir Nighteye shouted as he approached. "Mirai, I-" "Shut up Toshinori. Izumi, did you give One for All to someone else?" "I-" "Answer the question, Ms Yagi." "Please, it's-" "Izumi." The room went silent as Aizawa stared at her.

"Who did you give One for All to?"


Katsuki stared at the HPSC president. "-And that is how I got One for All." He said as she smiled sinisterly. "You don't know how much this means to me, Mr Bakugou. It will be essential to the Commission's current investments." She said as she thought about just what One for All could do for her and her power base. Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "Which is?" He asked. The president smiled. "Katsuki Bakugou, your name will go down in history as one of the leading figures who helped us achieve my lifelong goal and the the aspiration to almost each member of the Commission." "And that is?"

"To recreate the Empire of Japan, of course."

End of Arc 1. Next Arc: Terraria War. Remember to vote and comment please.

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now