Meeting Eri

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Herobrine looked at the little girl in the bed, her lips quivering in a fitful sleep. "She still not awake yet?" Charlotte whispered as they watched their adoptive daughter curl up in her blanket. Gifts ranging from oversized teddy bears to candy sat around her as they awaited her rising. "She's so cute." "I know. Bruja is going to love her." Herobrine said as the young girl stirred. "Shhh." Charlotte watched as the child slowly opened her eyes before sitting up and looking around. "Where am I?" She spoke before starting to tear up. "Hey it's okay. You're safe." Herobrine said as he slowly approached her. She looked at him, the tears in her eyes flowing down her face. "The bad man is gone." Eri held her blanket over herself. "Where did her go?" She asked. "A bad place he can't come back from."


It had been days since Overhaul had been arrested. But just that morning, he had been sedated, moved from his cell, stripped of all but his gloves, and strapped to a table. Next thing he knew, he was in a moist, dark room. The air stank of vinegar and paper as he desperately tried to move his head. The chains holding him to the bed didn't budge as the door in front of him slammed open. "Hello Mr Chisaki. I hope you're ready for your "operation" He he." The living corpse said as he held up a tool box. He opened the box before revealing a ball peen hammer. The zombie stood at the side of the table before slamming the rounded face of the hammer down, directly onto Overhaul's knuckle. The man screamed as Bub smashed Chisaki's hands, breaking his fingers, and thus his quirk.


"Good mor- Oh, good she's awake." Mirio said as he and Sir Nighteye entered the room with a gift basket. Mirio approached, only for Eri to back away. "Sorry if I frightened you. Here." He grabbed the basket from Sir before placing it on the table next to Eri. "It's got fruit, candy, some little trinkets. Things kids like." He smiled as she looked at the basket. Eri teared up before pulling her knees to her chest. "I don't deserve it. I'm..." She started crying "A cursed child." She said as tears streamed down her face. "Oh no, don't say that." Charlotte said as Herobrine looked the girl in the eye. "Hey." He said as she looked at him. "You are not a cursed child." He said as she slowed her crying. "There's no such thing." "But my quirk, it makes people disappear." "Look at me." She looked up, her sad puppy dog eyes melting Herobrine's tough exterior. "Then let's teach you how to use it properly." Eri looked at him, confusion drawn clearly on her face. "What?" "Yeah. UA has plenty of places to train. So does Lord Herobrine's castle." Sir Nighteye said. "But what if I hurt somebody?" Herobrine smiled. "Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens." Herobrine said as he held out his hand. Eri frowned before holding out her own hand before pulling it away. "What if the bad man comes back?" "I promise he won't ever bother you or anyone else ever again. Same as all the others in his group." She took his hand.

It had been more than a year since Izuku had killed himself and the entire ordeal hit the Yagi family hard. Inko had all but retired from heroics and Toshinori's once famous grin had become a shell of what it once was. When the Hero Commission gave the green light for Aldera, he wasted no time beating the living shit out of the smug faced teacher who sat on his ass while his son was told to kill himself. Of course, the trial fell through and the staff and students went free. 'How was I supposed to know the principal's brother was the District Attorney of Deika City.' All Might thought as he sat down at his dining room table. "How was your day dear?" Inko asked as she took a seat across from him. "Fine."He said solemnly as Izumi came running through the door. "Mom! Dad!" She cried as she ran towards her parents. "What is it sweetie?" Toshinori asked, worry lacing each word. "You have to see this." She said as she held up the test results in a manila envelope. "What's in there, Izumi?" Inko asked, concerned for her enthusiasm. Izumi opened the file before handing the contents to her mother. "Oh honey, no." Inko said as she looked at the information. "This can't be right." All Might said as he studied the paper. "It has to be. I did a DNA test and with some of Shoka's conspiracy notes, I put this together." Slowly, he realised the evidence presented was accurate, and he and Inko simultaneously realised the truth.

"Herobrine is our son."


The young girl took the white eyed man's hand as she looked at him. "Hi, I'm Herobrine. I'm gonna be taking care of you from now on. Would you like that?" Eri nodded slowly as Mirio smiled. "How about a picture?" He asked as the young girl nodded. "Smile." Both Herobrine and Charlotte smiled as Eri simply stared at the camera. "I know it sounds silly, but I think I've forgotten how to smile." The flash went off and a sad silence filled the room. "That's okay. We'll help you smile again." Herobrine said as he sat on the bed and opened his arms. Eri slowly crawled over before hugging him. Tears fell from her eyes as she slowly dozed off. "You promise?" "I promise."

Herobrine carried Eri as she slept, gently rubbing his hand against her back as she snored. Charlotte skipped along side of him as he took out his applicator and called Bub. "Bub, increase the torture." "Right away sir."


An unknown amount of time had passed since Overhaul had been left in the room. His skin had been lacerated, his bones demolished, his quirk all but destroyed. All of his wounds left to grow infected as time passed. "Let me die." He begged. He begged everyday for death. His left eye had been gouged out by the zombie and the empty socket filled with some form of soil. Small, deep cuts had been left all over his arms and legs, infections growing rapidly from fungal to bacterial. "Let Me Die." The corpse man had gone so far as to turn him over and peel off skin from his back with a wood planer, before covering the exposed flesh in salt and hot coals. He had to be thankful for the skin strips though, they were the only decent thing he was given to eat. They only fed him enough to keep him alive and prolong his suffering though. The last time he had gotten sick, he had screamed until his throat bleed and he had reached a lethally high fever. "Please let me die." He cried as the moldy cloth placed over his face left him in a constant state of darkness. He had developed pneumonia and a sinus infection from breathing in mold and bacteria, but he knew they would only help him if it meant torturing him more. A single drop of water landed on his head. A crack in the cobblestone above him let small, ice cold drops of water landed on his head infrequently. Sometimes seconds, sometimes days separated the droplets, but each one served as a reminder as to his living Hell. Another drop landed on his head.


What do my beloved readers want to see in the next chapter? Herobrine going after LOV, the MLA, HPSC, dealing with his past, or return to Overworld? Leave answers in the comments. My brithday is on Friday, so make sure to vote on this chapter. Thanks.

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