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The readers have chosen. The Exploration Corps will go about Terraria on their own before arriving to help Herobrine.

"I don't have a quirk. "

The audience went silent. "W-What?" One of the reporters said, interrupting the awkward silence.

"I don't have a quirk. None of the natives of the Overworld have a quirk. The entire population is quirkless." Suddenly, the reporters all started shouting more questions. "How do you even function as a society?" "What's it like, being so primitive? Is that why you contacted us?" "What are your tax laws like?" "How weak would you say the average Overworlder is compared to a human?" Herobrine simply leaned into the microphone before speaking. "I'm going to say this once and only once, so listen closely." The reporters all quieted down as the King spoke. "Quirkless doesn't mean powerless or weak." "What does that mean?" A reporter with blue skin and purple hair asked. "Pray you never have to find out." He said before walking off stage. "How do you think that went?" He asked Charlotte as they exited the building. "Are reporters always that annoying?" "Usually." He said as they teleported away.

Around the world, people reacted differently to the knowledge that the Emperor of the Overworld and his citizens didn't have quirks.

UA Cafeteria

"Guys, you're not gonna believe this, but it turns out that guy who saved us at the USJ is apparenly quirkless." Sero said as the others at his table spoke up. "Then his weapons are probably magic or something." Denki said. "Super manly." "Didn't Principal Nezu say that he came from another dimension? Maybe they have something like quirks, but not quirks." Mina said. "I just remembered, those green guys explode." Denki interrupted. "I saw some of those really tall black guys teleporting, kero." Tsu said from a nearby table. "Tokoyami, did you see anything?" She asked. "I don't want to talk about it." He said as he repressed the image of the fluffy white demon. "Just like Class 1A to need a quirkless to come save them. That just show-" Monoma was cut off as Kendo slapped him in the back of the head.


Re-Destro swirled his Malbec, listening to Curious' summary of Herobrine's interview. "They're all quirkless but he says that doesn't mean they're weak. What do you think that means?" Re-Destro scratched his chin as he pondered the question. "He has an ace up his sleeve." Re-Destro said as he took a sip of his wine. "So what should we do now?" Trumpet asked. "Use your connections to find out more about this Herobrine. See if he has any weaknesses we can take advantage of." Re-Destro said as he finished his glass. "That concubine of his. See if you can get an interview with her." Curious nodded.


The Chairwoman paused her computer screen the moment Herobrine announced that the Overworld didn't have quirks. "So ladies, gentlemen. Your conclusion?" "They have no defense against quirks. Their technology at best circa nineteen twenties." One Commission member spoke up. "My main concern is access to their world." The Chairwoman smiled. "I have my ways." The Chairwoman said. "Are you really sure you want to go through with this? I mean, this is insanity. Do any of you remember what happened last time?" The room went silent as they thought about the outcome this could have. "Even if we do manage to create a new empire, the world will not react well. Look what happens whenever America invades some country in the Middle East for some bullshit reason." The Chairwoman simply frowned. "That is why we are making a reason to invade." The Chairwoman said. "I can't go along with this." The outspoken Commission member said as he stood up, only for his head to erupt in a geyser of blood. Out of the shadows walked Lady Nagant, the barrel protruding from her arm still smoking. "Now all we have to do is replace the Prime Minister, and were set. Now which one of you stooges wants to replace as the Hero Commissioner?" The surviving Commission members all immediately raised their hands only for the Chairwoman to wave them back down. "Don't bother, I've already chosen my successor." She said as she gestured to the door. "You may come in now." The Commission stared at the woman who had just entered the room.


President Steven Armstrong watched the footage again before thinking, then sending a memo to his secretary. "Lawrence, Have Short set up a meeting between Herobrine and me." He said as he lit a cigar. "Sir, he's in Cancun for his sister's wedding." "Fuck!" The President said before taking a puff. "Why do you want to meet with Herobrine anyway?" "Call it a matter of personal curiosity." He said as he shook the ash off.


Flect Turn studied the information presented to him by one of his followers. "Do you think it's true, sir?" The hooded man asked. "I can't be sure. As of right now, too little information is present about Herobrine and his world. All we know right now is that the population is made up of more than just humans." He said as he scanned over the screen again. "A quirkless world." He said to himself. "Do you think, if we went to the Overworld, would our quirks work?" Flect Turn asked aloud. "I'm not sure sir." "I want to find out. If so, we abandon our bomb plan entirely." He said before standing up. "If the Overworld has some way to negate quirks, we will wait out the end there." He said as he placed around the room. "And if not?" "We go through with our plan and annihilate the quirked." Flect Turn said.


"Do you think it was a good idea to tell the world that we're quirkless?" Charlotte asked as she and Herobrine approached the gates to the manor. "I wanted to know how they would react." Herobrine said as he gazed pensively at the door. "What if some quirk supremists try to take us out or take over the Empire?" Herobrine smirked. "Do you really think I haven't already planned around that?" "Good point."

Who's the chairwoman's successor? Will the Overworld cancel out quirks? Will Bub ever get a girlfriend? Leave your answers in the comments and remember to vote and comment. Until next time.

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