The Alliance

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Herobrine sat on his throne, eyes closed, as he contemplated his next actions. It had been two hours since he had returned from Earth, and multiple world leaders had contacted his recently set up embassy in Tokyo. Mainly regarding his statement on his and his country's lack of quirks. He checked over the list of people who had sent statements before calculating the benefits of each. The world powers that had sent invitations were the US, Japan, Numbani, France, India, and the UK. "Charlotte." He called out. "Yes?" "Who do you think I should meet with?" Charlotte pursed her lips before looking over the list. "We already met with Japanese dignitaries so we're good there. What about these other ones?" "Numbani is nice but has issues with a large terrorist group, I don't speak the language of India and France, and the UK has been having problems with border skirmishes with England." "Didn't your fa- I mean All Might live in America for a few years?" "Yes, his debut was actually in America." "I guess you could meet with their leader, wasn't he the one who reached out first?" Herobrine folded his hands. "Yes. He was."


"Hero Commission subordinate Naofumi Togoshi found dead in apparent villain attack." Nezu read as he checked the news on his computer. "Head pulverized." He brought a finger? to his chin. "They're up to something." Nezu said to himself as he got out of his chair.

Aizawa took a sip of his eleventh coffee of the day when Nezu approached. "Did you hear about the Commission member that died?" Aizawa turned to his boss. "No. What happened?" "Villain attack supposedly but I don't believe it. Togoshi was the only member openly critical of the Commission's current practices." Aizawa narrowed his eyes. "Are you suggesting this is a cover up of some kind?" "I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Anyway, I need to speak to you in my office after class today. It's very important. Because if they're up to what I think they're up to, we are completely fucked." Nezu said as he poured himself a cup of tea.

Aizawa sighed before finishing his coffee in one chug and going back to his classroom. He knew that it must be bad if Nezu said fuck during work hours.


It had been two days since President Armstrong had reached out to Herobrine, who had gotten back to him in less than fifteen minutes. Two secret service members opened the doors, revealing Herobrine and a few royal guards. "Your Majesty. I hope you've had a pleasant trip." "I teleported here directly but thank you anyway." Herobrine said as he took a seat across from the President. "So what is this meeting about, exactly?" Herobrine asked as he looked at the other leader. "Pray you never have to find out, hmm?" Armstrong said. "You have an ace up your sleeve, don't you?" "As should anyone." Herobrine said as he leaned back in his chair. Armstrong nodded. "The British government is pissed at you. I'm just gonna let you know now." The President said, Herobrine raising an eyebrow. "Okay." "You came in out of nowhere, kicked them out of their spot as the largest empire, and said nothing. We don't even have definitive proof of your nation's size yet and they already put you in on Wikipedia." "Vultures." Herobrine said. The President chuckled. "You know, when I found out I didn't stop laughing for ten minutes." Herobrine nodded. Armstrong stopped laughing before taking off his glasses and placing them on the table. 

"Listen, when the Quirk War hit, a lot of people died. Almost every major city West of the Mississippi was annihilated. In the wake of the destruction, a bunch of groups took over the wasteland. One main group in particular has remained a problem to this day." The President took out a folder before presenting it to the King. "They are called Caesar's Legion. Their main source of income comes from trafficking and slave labor. Quirks, quirkless, mutants. No one is safe." Herobrine clenched his fist. "They have this weird obsession with the Roman Empire. Their tactics, their architectural style, food. I figured you could have some of your guys come in and teach some of our heroes how to fight back against these tactics. You have faced similar tactics in the past, yes?"  Herobrine smiled. "You have no idea."


Kyoshi Intelli was proud of herself. Not only was her daughter the best student at Seiai Academy and her husband a high ranking member of the National Diet, but because of her profound military and rising political career (and closeted hyper nationalist agenda) she had been contacted by the Chairwoman of the HPSC to consider becoming her replacement after her promotion to Prime Minister. The Chairwoman had yet to become Prime Minister, but these things took time.

"Thank you for seeing me." Kyoshi smiled as she took a seat on the opposite side of the Chairwoman's desk.  "Recently, a colleague reached out to me from abroad. He and his followers have similar goals as ours, however they are in different countries. " Kyoshi nodded. "Despite this, they have agreed to uphold an alliance should our "International Intervention" in China and the Southeast result in a conflict." "Great. Would it be too intrusive to ask who they are?" "Fine, but it doesn't leave this room. They are-"


Cameras flashed as Steven Armstrong shook Herobrine's hand, marking the end of the meeting and the start of diplomacy between the Collectivist Empire and the United States. "Remember what I told you." Herobrine said as the President nodded. "That if all of the weak are to die, the strongest still dies alone in the end, got it." Armstrong smiled as he slapped Herobrine on the back before turning to the audience and smiling.

Today's a special occasion. Not only is it the day of the Tricky Trials update in my country, but today we're celebrating 15 years of Minecraft, the game that started it all, or at least half of this story.

 Not only is it the day of the Tricky Trials update in my country, but today we're celebrating 15 years of Minecraft, the game that started it all, or at least half of this story

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And to many more.

I don't own the picture. Remember to vote and comment. Until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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