Attempts at Peace

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Herobrine sat, taking notes as the meeting as the United Nations members listened to Chairman Yamashina. "And so, with these problems out of the way, we deal with what Emperor Herobrine has to say." He said as he took his seat before gesturing to the Overworld's chief monarch. "Your Majesty, just why exactly have you come to our world?" Herobrine stood up before speaking. "Overworld has a major problem involving a specific group of people called the Players." "Players, like in video games?" Korean diplomat Song Tae-Young asked. "Not that I'm aware of. They were named as such based on the way they play with the lives of themselves and the people around them, committing atrocities regularly. Atrocities only seen on Earth in it's darkest times." Herobrine stated. Ian Hurtado of Mexico then made himself known. "What such atrocities have these Players committed?" "I brought quite a bit of evidence to show your organization and back up my accusations of their actions." Herobrine said as he handed his applicator to Yamashina. 

"Oh my God." The chairman said, others behind him staring in horror as they watched horrendous crimes be perpetrated against children, the sick, and the elderly. Chairwoman Olivia Cooke of Australia covered her mouth as she watched a pair of players saw the arms off of a young woman before taking turns raping her. Minute by minute, the video grew more grisly and the people of the UN could no longer watch. "That's enough." Nobuyoki said as he put the device down. "How could anyone do this?" One of the ambassadors wept. In only a few minutes, the young king had managed to turn the UN to his favor. Whispers broke out among the officials as they came up with a course of action. "Now you have come to us for assistance in your war, correct?" "No, we're looking for trade agreements." The chairman let out a sigh of relief before speaking again.

"Your Majesty, now I honestly believe you are a leader in search of better resourcing, however I believe I speak for everyone when I suggest that ambassadors should be sent between your world and ours in order to properly assess the economic pros and cons of an inter-dimensional trade deal." "That is perfectly fine with us. Right Charlotte?" He turned to his concubine. She was asleep so he tapped her shoulder as she drowsily brushed him off. "Do people fall asleep at these often?" "Don't worry about it." Yamashina said before lifting up his gavel. "By the order of the Council of the United Nations, I find this meeting adjourned." He said before banging it twice, waking Charlotte up. "I'm up, I'm up."She said.

In the entrance room, various diplomats and foreign officials introduced themselves to the king as they made their way outside. A short woman with straight black hair approached him before sticking her hand out. "Senator Tifa Lockhart. From Italy." He took her hand shaking it. "Nice to make your acquaintance, Senator." Herobrine said as he greeted the next official. "Hi, Greg Short. On behalf of President Armstrong of the United States, we formally welcome you to Earth." "Thank you Mr Short." Charlotte said as they met with the other politicians until their limo arrived. 'At least Charlotte's having fun.' He thought as he watched her socialize.

"Charlotte, the car is leaving." Herobrine called as Charlotte got into the limo. "Sorry if I took a while, I was talking to Senator Lockhart." Herobrine smiled as she buckled in. The rest of his guard were in the car with him. He put his arm around her as she snuggled against him. It had been a long, boring day and both were quite tired. Soon, she was asleep and he too was nodding off. He closed his eyes and soon was engulfed in darkness.


Katsuki Bakugou grunted as he was escorted through the main hall of the Hero Commission building. He had been cordially invited by none other than current president Harukichi Kajiwara. Two security guards moved aside before opening the doors to her office, letting the angry boy in. The guard escorting bowed before leaving, shutting the doors behind him. "Mr Bakugou. Nice of you to finally make it." She said as he took a seat. "What's this about?" He said, not pulling any punches. She pulled out a laptop before showing Katsuki its content. It was none other than the video of him from the USJ.


"EAT SHIT YOU FUCKING EXTRA!" Bakugou said as a grabbed a villain by the neck before hitting him in the stomach with a Howitzer Impact. The blast almost immediately split the man in half before Bakugou grabbed the villain's face before slamming him body first into another villain. The second villain was blinded by the bloodshed, so Bakugou took the opportunity to blast the man in the face, finishing him off. "TAKE THIS YOU USELESS CUNTS!" He shouted as he picked up a cinder block before slamming it into the the neck of another villainess, shattering the woman's skull.


Katsuki snarled as he started yelling. "WHAT IS THIS? AM I BEING DETAINED?" He shouted as he prepared to fight. "Mr Bakugou, that's not even close. We're here to make a deal." "What?" The president nodded. "You have a lot of potential young man." The boy smirked. "You don't say." He said, sarcasm dripping from each word. "Yes, and I plan on taking full advantage. The way you took care of those villains was very professionally done. However..." "However what?" Bakugou's interest peaked. "You know standard heroes can't kill anyone they want. There are strict guidelines that need to be followed." He grimaced. "But" Bakugou perked up "the deal we have to offer you is rather enticing, especially to someone of your modus operandi."

"I'm listening." He said as she closed her computer before placing her elbows on her desk. "As you know, there are certain people who society simply cannot accept. Irredeemable villains, corrupt heroes, people who pose a threat to our way of life." She said as she reached into her desk before pulling out a folder. "Mr Bakugou, would you be willing to kill for the position of number one?"


Darkness engulfed the young king as he looked around. Black as far as the eye could see, at least until he saw his hands. The same scarred, shaking hands of Izuku Yagi. He frowned before looking around when the shadows suddenly pulled back. There, in front of him, were six men, each sitting in a throne, solemnly staring at him.

"I don't suppose I could help you with anything, right


Thanks for 1k votes. I almost cried when I saw it. Tell me what you want to see in the next chapter in the comments, see you next time.

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