Boss Fight

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It had been three years since Izuku had arrived in the Overworld. In that time, he had managed to overthrow the players, securing the interest of his kingdom and people. His knowledge of strategy had proved invaluable in the defeat of the player's leader, a man in green clad in a ceramic mask. After the fall of the players, Izuku made way for scientific advancement. The Herobrine kingdom had gone from the early iron age to the early twentieth century. He knew the players would return, it was only a matter of time. But while they expanded, he upgraded. Zombies and pillagers armed with brute strength and crossbows became soldiers with bolt action rifles and semi automatic pistols. Izuku watched from his balcony as his soldiers practiced their marksmanship. He took a sip from his hot cocoa as he waited for Bruja and Charlotte to wake up. He understood they were tired after last night, he was too but the flashbacks were bothering him.


Izuku pulled out his sword as he mounted his horse. Several skeleton horsemen, spider jockeys, and ravagers followed behind him as he led them through the grand gate of the Player's fortress. Mobs of all types followed as he and his forces laid siege to the village inside. Dozens of players fled as the guard tower at the entrance caught fire. Villagers fell in droves as zombies and pillagers charged.


Izuku snapped out of it as he felt someone jump onto his back. "Morning Charlotte." The creeper girl pouted. "How'd you know?" She asked as he spun her around. "Bruja is incredibly hard to wake up in the morning, that and you're the only person I know who would start flirting first thing in the morning." She smiled as he kissed her. "So what are we gonna do today?" she asked. "Might check on my family." "The good ones or the other ones." She asked. "The other ones never were my family." Izuku said as she grabbed his crotch.


Izumi felt her heart break as she sat in her assigned seat on the bus across from Aizawa. Shoka sat next to her as she and the rest of Izuku's bullies weren't supposed to leave the teacher's sight. The students of class 1-A usually avoided her and her friends as they were technically in general education. "Hey Yagi." Izumi turned. "Yeah Tsu?" "Your quirk is pretty similar to All Might's and the Hurricane of Terror's. Are you related or something?" Izumi smiled. "Yeah, they're my parents." "That's cool." Tsu said before putting a finger to her chin. "Where's your twin?" "What?" Izumi was taken back. The only people who knew about Izuku were the UA staff and her friends. "Both Bakugou and Todoroki have twins, you have one right?" Tears welled in Izumi's eyes as Bakugou stood up. "SHUT UP FROG LEGS. I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU TALK TO HER LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Bakugou shouted as he vibrated with palpable rage. Suddenly, a scarf wrapped itself around his mouth and throat, holding him in place as he tried to claw his way out. "We're here." Aizawa said as he pulled the raging boy to him. The students stumbled off of the bus as Aizawa held Izumi and her friends back. "They are going to find out one of these days. How do you think they're going to feel when they realize a bunch of villains have been in the same class as them for a month? Hmm?" Bakugou was about to talk back only for Izumi to cover his mouth. "Uncle, please," "It's sensei to you, miss Yagi." "Er, sensei, once they see that we've changed, they'll except us." The group walked off of the bus before joining the rest of the class. "Hey look, they got fake villains." Denki said, pointing to the group walking out of a portal behind Thirteen. The astronaut hero turned and quickly got into a defensive position. "Those aren't fake, everyone get back." Aizawa said as he ushered the students back onto the bus. "DIE YOU EXTRAS!" Bakugou shouted as he charged the villains, Kirishima following. The villain in the center, presumably the leader pointed at them before nudging the man made of black mist next to him who then opened a portal in front of the two, sending them both somewhere. Various portals sucked the students in as the villains rushed Aizawa. He managed to grab a stout green villain with horns before slamming him into another one resembling a ghost. He turned before swinging his scarf at the villain covered in hands. He blocked, the fabric wrapping around his arm. Eraserhead charged forward before punching the hand villain in the face. "Who are you?" Aizawa asked as he blocked a strike. "My name is Shigaraki Tomura, I am here to kill the symbol of peace." "You won't hurt my dad." Izumi shouted as she tackled Tomura. "All Might's little girl, hmm?" Tomura smiled as a large black hand grabbed Izumi by the head before flinging her away. "Now where were we?" Shigaraki said as he approached Aizawa. Aizawa prepared his scarf before staring intently at the leader. Shigaraki tackled Aizawa before slamming his fist into the man's face. He gabbed Eraserhead's arms before attempting to disintegrate them. Aizawa made eye contact with the villain and stopped assault narrowly. "I actually kinda liked you Eraserhead. A damn shame it had to end this way." "A damn shame indeed Tenko." A voice said as a large hand wrapped itself around his scrawny neck. "Oh shit." Tomura said as he felt himself get flung across the USJ. A hand held itself out for Eraser to grab and he took it. Not knowing who saved him, he looked up into his savior's eyes. His savior's blank white eyes.

Izuku had been keeping an eye on his real family for the time he had been gone. Using the power of the command block, he had summoned an enchanted map that allowed him to see them at all times. When he saw the near demise of his favorite uncle, he knew it was time to intervene. Herobrine held up Aizawa as the two men stared down the villains looking at them. Suddenly, a large, bird faced humanoid walked to the front of the crowd, Shigaraki following behind. "Who the hell is this NPC?" Shigaraki asked. "I'm no NPC. I'm the final boss." Herobrine said.

PART TWO SOON. I own none of these images. If anyone has any questions, ask in the comments.

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now