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David stared at the red dust through the microscope. He scratched his chin as he studied the composition of the powder. Slowly, he placed a live wire onto the powder, and jumped back when the dust lit up. Checking the sample again, he noticed something. "Hey Melissa, come take a look at this." Melissa walked over before taking a look at the dust. "What is it?" "Just take a look." She looked down through the microscope and studied the material. "It's conducting." "Yeah, but look at this." He said as he rolled his chair over to the other end of the table. Sitting on that end was what appeared to be a large looping circuit.

"A circuit? What's it for?" "If the book that I got is correct, this should be a very important find for us. The blue prints were a bit primitive but I'm sure that if this works, this could be a serious game changer." He said as he attached the wire to the circuit. The dust started glowing as the circuit began its work. "Yes, but what is it supposed to do?" David turned to his daughter before gently grabbing her shoulder. "Melissa, move that wire please." She complied and watched as the circuit continued to glow. "Hand me that multimeter please."

She passed the tool to her father and watched intently as he placed the test probes onto the glowing red dust. The meter buzzed as David smiled. "You see this? " He asked as Melissa stared curiously at the circuit. He grabbed a phone charger before gently connecting it to the circuit. The phone vibrated as it received the charge. Melissa looked at the multimeter before gasping. "It's the same. It hasn't lost any current." David smiled at his daughter. "No external power source, non fluctuating current. Melissa, do you know what this means?" She smiled. "An infinite source of electricity."


Herobrine sat at Eri's playroom table, filling out paperwork. Eri sat next to him, coloring in a picture of a farm. "Papa?" "Yeah Eri?" "Do you think Hanako is ever gonna come live with us?" He paused. "I honestly don't know." He said, his mood dampening. Eri hugged his arm. "I'm sorry if I made you sad." She said as he smiled at her. "You didn't do anything wrong Eri, I just wish your sister could stay with us but people would ask questions." Eri nodded. A knock on the door alerted Herobrine to someone at the door. "Who is it?" "Sir, you 'ave a letter." Kenichi said as he opened the door and handed a letter. 

Herobrine looked at the logo before slicing open the envelope. A small silver disk slid out onto the table. A hologram of a white haired man in a lab coat and glasses appeared on the table.

"Greetings, your highness. It is our esteemed privilege to reach out to youOn behalf of David and Melissa Shield, you are cordially invited to this year's I-Island Expo. Due to your status and political standing, security will be present upon your arrival and until your departure. Additional security may be provided upon request. Our finest hotel has prepared its presidential suite should you confirm your stay. If there are any problems, you may reach management at-

Herobrine turned off the hologram. "What was that?" "That, Eri, was an invitation to go to a very important event. Would you like to go?" Eri brought her finger to her chin. "Will there be a party?" "Yes, but a fancy one, so you're gonna have to get dressed up for it." Eri nodded before going back to her coloring. "I'll go." She smiled. "Good, I'll go get your mamas." He said as he put down the disk and gathered his paperwork before leaving.

He found Bruja in her study, monitoring a glowing blue liquid in a flask. "Making something?" He asked, leaning against the door frame. She turned and smiled awkwardly. "Oh, I was just testing a new type of hallucinogen potion." "Okay. We recently received an invitation to a science expo at a mobile research lab on Earth. I take it you want to go?" She smiled. "Absolutely. When is it?" "The day after tomorrow." "Great, I'll get my notes ready. Formal or casual?" "It's an island, bring both." She nodded before going back to work. "Oh, and Bruja." "Yeah?" "Bring a few weapons just in case. I have a feeling we won't be the only special guests there."

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now