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Herobrine carried Eri on his shoulders, a pair of sunglasses obscuring his eyes. "So Eri, what do you like to do for fun?" He asked as the girl frowned. "The bad man said that fun was a waste of time." She said, making Herobrine a little sad. "The bad man was crazy. Now, what is something you've always wanted to do?" "Get away from the bad man, but we've already done that." She said as the king thought about it. "I know. We'll go to the mall. And since it's a school day, it won't be busy." Charlotte suggested. "That's a good idea." Herobrine said as he thought about it. "Eri, would you like to go to the mall?" "What's a mall?" "It's like going to one store, but instead of just one, it's them all." "Is that a joke?" Eri asked.

Eri's eyes lit up at the sights in the mall. "What's that?" She asked excitedly as she pointed at a candy store. "It's a candy store. You want to get some candy?" Eri nodded as she climbed down from the man's shoulders. Entering the store, the trio found themselves assaulted with an impenetrable wall of sweet scents and colorful sights. "Wow. It's so... Colorful!" Eri said as she looked around, dragging her newly adopted parents behind her. "Can I get one?" Eri asked, pointing to a variety pack of candy apples. "Yeah you can." Charlotte said as she grabbed it before handing it to the younger girl. "What do we say?" "Thank you." Eri said as she tried to open the box. "We have to pay for it first, silly." Charlotte said as Eri nodded. 

The trio made their way through the mall, travelling through each store Eri wanted to visit. The young girl trotted along, holding Charlotte's hand as Herobrine carried the younger girl's shopping bags. "Oh my gosh." He heard someone say as he turned, only to see Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou, Hanako buried snugly in her grandfather's arms. "Oh hello." He said as the three approached. "Hanako, look. It's papa." Mitsuki said as the baby looked at her father and smiled. "Who is that?" Eri asked, hiding behind Charlotte's leg. "This is Grandpa Masaru and Grandma Mitsuki." Herobrine said as he gestured to the two. "And this is Hanako, she's your baby sister." He said as Eri perked up and Masaru handed his granddaughter off to her father. "Hanako, this is Eri, your new big sister." Herobrine said as Eri got a look at the baby. "Nisa." Hanako said as she reached out for the older girl. "She said something." Eri said as Herobrine bounced his daughter. "Would you like to hold her?" Herobrine asked Eri as the young girl shied away. "What if I hurt her?" She asked, and Herobrine spoke. "Eri, remember what I told you?" "Yeah." "When in doubt..." "Pinkies out." Eri said as Herobrine gently placed his daughter into the arms of her sister.

"It's too cute." Mitsuki said as Eri held Hanako. "Remember to support her head." Herobrine said as Eri nodded. Hanako laid her head on Eri's shoulder as the baby girl slowly nodded off. "Ewi." She said as Eri cradled her. "She said my name." Eri cheered as Hanako started nibbling her hair. Eri let out a big grin as her parents and grandparents took a picture to cherish this moment.

 Eri let out a big grin as her parents and grandparents took a picture to cherish this moment

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"Hi Hanako, I'm Eri. And I'm gonna be the bestest big sister in the whole wide world. I promise." Eri said as Hanako fell asleep. "I think I have diabetes now." Masaru said as he watched his grandchildren cuddle. Suddenly, Mitsuki and Masaru's phones buzzed as they received a message. "Oh no." Mitsuki said as she showed her phone to Herobrine.


Nezu sat in his office, his meeting with the agent going smoothly. "So, in my conclusion-" Nezu was cut off as his phone buzzed. "Pardon me." He said as he checked his phone. 

'Herobrine is Izuku.'

"NOOOOO! They weren't supposed to know." Nezu said as he slammed his paw onto the desk. Aizawa, Mic, and Midnight ran into the room before hounding the principal. "How did they find out?" "What's going to happen now?" "Is he going to leave us again?" "ENOUGH!" Nezu shouted as he slammed his teacup down down on the table, shattering it. "Is this a bad time?" The agent asked as Nezu shook his head. "No, something came up but must wait." Nezu said as he adjsuted his tie. "Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight. This is Agent Sherry Muller of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. She's here to speak to us about the NOMU problem we've dealt with recently." Nezu said as he introduced the agent. She stood up and bowed before taking a seat. "Hi, now Nezu, we need to talk about this." Mic said as he and Eraserhead prepared for the worst.

Enji, Rei, Touya, and Fuyumi all stared in shock at the text they had received. "No fucking way." Natsuo said as he crossed his arms. "This has to be a joke, right?" "I didn't tell anyone." "Neither did I." Endeavour sighed as he sat down. "I'm going to call them." He said as he pulled out his phone and dialed Toshinori's number. "Hello Enji, wha-" "What the actual fuck Yagi!" "What?" "You can't just say that. Are you fucking high? What evidence do you have to back up that crazy statement." Enji listened as Toshinori responded, listening intently as he realised just what had happened. As soon as he was done, Enji threw his phone into the wall as he shouted, slamming his fist on the dining room table, splitting it in half. "What happened?" Rei asked, frightened of her husband's outburst. "Shoko's batshit conspiracy theories have come back to bite us in the ass."

Sir Nighteye stared at the text before taking a seat. "Sir?" Mirio asked. "I'm fine. I just need a moment alone." Sir responded, Mirio nodded before leaving his office. Nighteye thought about his vision of the war, the bloody bodies covering the streets. He realised what might've lead to it before sending a text to Izuku, warning him. "This is bad." He said to himself.

Herobrine stared at the phone in shock. He hoped it wouldn't go downhill from there, but little did he know of the camera staring down at his family.

I don't own the picture of Eri. Tell me what you want to see in the next chapter in the comments and remember to vote if you like the story. I'm gonna spend some time working on my "Behind the Mask" rewrite. Bye!

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now