A Night at Home Part Two 🍋

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Herobrine took Bruja's left nipple into his mouth as she gently slid herself down onto his cock. Charlotte smiled and bit her lip as she grabbed Herobrine's chest from behind before sucking on his neck. Bruja moaned as she pulled Charlotte into a kiss. "Fuck." Herobrine grunted as he thrusted into her. "You like that, don't you?" Bruja moaned out seductively as she rode her king. "Bruja, quit being a such a brat and let me have a turn." Charlotte said as she crawled around the two before giving Bruja a slap on the ass. "You know just what to do to turn me on more." Bruja smiled as she pushed Herobrine onto the bed. Charlotte took notice before slowly lowering herself onto Herobrine's face. Charlotte pulled her fellow concubine into another long kiss.


"Okay. So describe this "Cerulius" to me." Colonel Grisly asked Arthos as the two sat in the formers tent. "A complete lunatic. He and his followers worship an evil entity whose name is very difficult to enunciate. We just call it the Moon Lord, though. He has advanced magic powers and is capable of many fantastic feats, far greater than any other I'm aware of." Grisly nodded. "And his followers?" "The devotees wear matching blue robes as their leader, only without the bird mask. Some carry bows and arrows while others just fight barehanded or not at all. But it's the white hooded ones you should watch for. They are fewer in number but much more dangerous." The Colonel nodded.

Bub hummed to himself as he made his way through the mansion. The dim lights gave off a pleasant atmosphere that Bub had come to enjoy. Suddenly, the royal butler Kenichi ran up to him. "Sir." "Yes?" "It's an urgent message." "From who?" "The layers new leader." "Holy shit. Bring me the phone, I'll go get the king." Bub said as Kenichi nodded.

Herobrine pumped into Charlotte furiously as Bruja played with her breasts from behind. "Fuck me, fuck me please!" She moaned as Bruja nibbled her ear. "Rail her good and hard, if not for her than for me." Bruja moaned, three fingers knuckle deep in her own pussy. Suddenly, a pounding on the door rudely interrupted their nightly activities. Both Charlotte and Bruja stopped moaning as Herobrine spoke up. "Who is it?" "Sir, it's Bub. I have an urgent message for you." "Can it wait?" "I'll check." Silence. "Okay now, where were we?" Herobrine smiled only to be interrupted again by knocking. "What is it?" "They say it can wait but it's kind of important." "I'll get back to you in a minute Bub." He said as he and his ladies started again.


Nezu sipped his tea as he spoke to Agent Mueller about the nomu. "Now Agent Mueller, the beast we described to you, from what we can tell, was a former convict by the name of Kikugoro Uesato. However, it appeared that before he was killed by Herobrine, he went through severe genetic tampering." Nezu said as he showed pictures and documents of the dissected Nomu to the agent. "Hmm. It appears you are correct. Now the specimen itself is not a biohazard but from what we can tell, it was biologically altered to be able to contain multiple quirks. The very idea of multiple quirks is very difficult to cope with however, especially in a situation where it was created by a group of villains. Now, we aren't sure how they implanted multiple quirks into the subject, but from what we can tell, no other human DNA besides Uesato's was found in it." Nezu nodded before leaning in closer. "Agent Mueller, I'm going to tell you something, and I want it to remain completely between you and me." She nodded.

"Have you ever heard the legend of All for One?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." Charlotte moaned as Herobrine thrusted into her from behind, Bruja under her, playing with her breasts. "Charlotte, I'm..." "Inside me." She grunted and Herobrine finished inside of her. "Yummy." Bruja whispered as she watched Herobrine's cum leak out of Charlotte. She crawled over before lapping up the leaking cum from her pussy. Herobrine sighed deeply before falling over onto the bed. "That was great." He said as he grabbed his pants. "I'm gonna go talk to Bub. You two, prepare for round two when I get back."


Herobrine marched to his office before opening the door and finding Bub spinning in his chair. "Bub!" "Sorry sir." He said as he flipped out of the sat before running over to Herobrine and handing him a letter. "Who's it from?" "Just read it."

Dear Lord Herobrine
In the short time since my reign has been established, I have come across many corrupted noblemen amongst the ranks of the previous kings court. You have my sincerest apologies for the behavior of the previous king and his followers. It is my utmost desire at the moment to establish a time and place for us to meet, in order to discuss a peace agreement between our peoples. If it isn't too great a burden, write back a date, time, and place for us to meet, if you will allow it. If you have any concerns with my proposition, please address them in the aforementioned note.

Your fellow leader, Felix of Kjellberg

Sorry if it's short, I'm writing this on my phone because my computer is still broken. I would have updated sooner but I recently had a bad fall and bruised my rib. Remember to vote and comment, bye.

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