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In Sir Nighteye's conference room, Herobrine sat idly as he and his men prepared for war. "Sir, I've got the map of the building right here." Bub said as he placed the map flat on the table. "Very good, now Uncle..." Herobrine said, turning to Mirai "Where do you believe they would be keeping Eri?" Sir raised a finger to his chin. "If I recall correctly, Mito said that underneath the building is a basement used as a storage facility. She's being held down there from what he's heard from Chisaki." Herobrine nodded before speaking again. "When should we be expecting your interns and Mr Mito." "Very soon. I told Mr Mito and his associate to come later so they wouldn't start anything." Nighteye responded as a knock sounded against the door. "That must be them." He said, standing up before walking over and opening the door. "Mirio, Bubble Girl, we were just talking about you all." Mirai said as he gestured his employees inside of the room.

Mirio took a seat across the white eyed man, ignoring the intrigued look given to him by the man. "Hello." "Hi." "My name is Mirio." Sir Nighteye elbowed the teen. "Mr Herobrine, sir." Herobrine nodded as he bowed, Mirio reciprocating the gesture before pointing to the two others he entered the room with. "This is Bubble Girl" he said, gesturing to the blue skinned woman next to him "These are Centipeder" he said pointing at a man with the face of a centipede. "Greetings." "So when should our other distinguished guests be arriving?" Herobrine asked, venom soaking the words of. "In about ten minutes. He said they had some business to take care of." a sudden knock at the door alerted the room to a new guest. Bub walked over before opening the door. "Hel- Oh Notch, not you."


Yasuda Mito folded his hands as he spoke to his fellow Yakuza leader. "I know it's been many years since we've last spoken Kiryu, but now I need to call in your favor." He said. Kazuma leaned back into his seat. "Yasuda, it has been at least half a decade since you've contacted me. What could possibly be so important?" "He took Eri." "Who?" "Kai took my granddaughter. Her name is Eri. He's using her to make a quirk erasing drug." Kazuma sneered as he realised the implications. "What's her quirk, exactly?" "Rewind. He's trying to make a drug to delete quirks." Kiryu's eyes widened, his hand shaking as he slowly lifted his drink to his mouth. "This is bad. Very bad." He said as he put his drink down.

"I've tried talking with him, reasoning with him. He's lost his damn mind." Mito said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "So we need to kill him." Kazuma said, concern lacing his voice. "You know how powerful his quirk is. We're going to need all the help we can get." He said solemnly as he pulled out his phone. 

"Overhaul must pay for what he's done to Eri."


Izumi stood in the doorway of Sir Nighteye's conference room, staring at the zombie holding the door. "Let me in. I need to talk to him." The zombie looked around. "Who?" "My brother, damn it." "Isn't he dead?" Izumi growled as she used her quirk to throw the corpse out of her way before rushing through the door. "IZUMI! What are you doing here?" Sir asked as he watched his former niece storm her way through the room before leaping onto her brother. "Izuku!" She cried as she ran around the table and launched herself at the young king. As soon as her fingertips reached his shirt, she was sent flying into the floor, leaving a small crater. "DO NOT APPROACH THE KING!" Jeff shouted as he placed his foot onto Izumi's back. Herobrine's guards immediately pulled their weapons before aiming them at the girl. "Onii chan, how could you?"

For the first time in three years, Herobrine felt fear. Fear of being found out by his former family and tormentors. He hated the idea, but knew it would happen eventually. But not now. "Who is this girl and why did she call me that?" "Mr Herobrine, this is the daughter of my colleague Toshinori Yagi, AKA All Might. She perhaps is projecting her deceased brother onto you." Sir said, helping to avoid revealing his nephew. "Uncle, tell him to come home." "Izumi. Go home, we're in the middle of a very important investigation." "But-" "IZUMI! OUT NOW!" Nighteye shouted, the time for such shenanigans continuing to elude him and everyone else in the room. "Izuku, please." Herobrine sighed. "You can hug me but only if you leave." Herobrine stated as Izumi nodded before hugging the man for an uncomfortably long time. "Please let go of me." He said as she let go. "Goodbye." She said as she ran out of the room. 

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now