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"Could you repeat that?" The whole conference room went quiet as the Todoroki family and the Bakugou parents took into account what they had just heard. "You heard me." Herobrine  said as Mitsuki glared at him. "Have you no shame. You have the audacity to come to us and claim you are a deceased loved one. You're not only mocking him, but us as well." Endevour said as he angrily stood up, knocking the table back. Tsukauchi stood as well, quick to defend. "He's telling the truth." The detective stated, quick to defend the man formerly known as Izuku. "Tsukauchi, I trust you. But we don't know what this man is capable of! Your quirk might not even work on him!" Touya said as he slammed his fists on the table.

Herobrine looked at Touya before saying something that only the Todorokis or close family friends knew. "When I was four, for one week, your father was the number one hero. For years, he had been trying to surpass Toshinori Yagi, All Might,  and had failed until one day. He asked me for advice. A fully grown, high ranked hero asking a four year old for advice. A silly thought, but nevertheless what happened. Do you know what I told him?" Enji sat down before gesturing for the others to do the same. "I asked him why he wanted to be a hero. Why he wanted to be a hero. He told me this. That when he was younger than I was at the time, his father told him "Don't let yourself go down. Fix your eyes growing dim at the chance of victory." I didn't understand that at the time but do you know what I told him. I told him before he could be the number one hero to the world, he had to be a hero to the people closest to him. Be the hero his family needs first." Herobrine said.

Tears welled up in Endevour's eyes. He ran around the table and immediately grabbed Herobrine in a hug. Charlotte and Bub both stood up to defend him when Herobrine stood u as well and hugged Endevour. Rei, Touya, Mitsuki, and Masaru immediately stood up before running over to check on the two. Herobrine settled into the hug as Mitsuki started crying as well. "Is it, is it really him?" She asked, bouncing Hanako. "It is." Rei replied meekly as she tackled her husband and nephew in a hug. Though someone else wanted a hug too.

"Apa." Everyone stopped for a moment. "Did she just..." Hanako reached out for her father, her chubby arms not reaching far. "Woah, woah. Careful." Herobrine said as Mitsuki handed her grandchild to her father. "Apa apa apa!" Hanako cheered as Herobrine took her in his hands. "Hi." he said gently as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 'How does she even know?' Nezu wondered as Herobrine kissed his daughter's forehead. "Picture time. Smile." Masaru said as he held up his phone. Herobrine held up Hanako as both looked at the camera. "It's so nice to finally meet you." Herobrine whispered to his daughter as she smiled.

Bub stepped out of the room for a moment, letting his king have a moment with his family. "So, whats up?" Jeff asked as Bub as he took a seat in the waiting room. "His Lordship, has a child." Jeff, Reaper, Goliath, Squirt, and Blaster looked at Bub confused. "What?" Jeff asked, shocked. "How?" Squirt mumbled. A variety of furious clicks and hisses came from Goliath's mandibles as he announced his distress. "You're right Goliath, it was the rapist." Bub said as Blaster groaned. "I say we kill her." Reaper said. "No, we can't do anything the attention of his Lordship's former family." Bub said quietly. Suddenly, Bub's applicator pinged. He opened his phone before reading the message. 

'Master Gutterfield, it's Colonel Grisley.' 'Oh hey.' 'Sir, we found what's on the other side.' Pause 'Of what?' 'The Far Lands.' 'Oh.' Bub suddenly shot out of his seat. "They made it!" He shouted as he grabbed Blaster before twirling him around. "What happened?" Jeff asked. "They made it to the other side of the Far Lands." The rest of the group cheered as Eraserhead and Present approached the troop. "What are you screaming about?" Aizawa asked, sick of their shenanigans already. "They made it." Jeff cheered as he picked both of the teachers and hugged them aggressively. Burnin stared at them confused, wondering what the big deal was.

"I brought gifts, if any wants them." Herobrine said as Hanako played with his shirt. Charlotte pulled a bundle out of her inventory before placing it on the table. Herobrine undid the string one hand while holding his child in the other before pulling out a series of items. He handed Touya a bottle containing a bright orange liquid. "That is a Fire Resistance two hundred fifty five potion, capable of protecting you from temperatures upwards of three thousand degrees centigrade." He said as Touya looked at the bottle before looking back at Herobrine. "Am I supposed to drink this, or is it like an ointment or something?" "You drink it." He said. "For Uncle Enji." He handed a vase containing a pink burning flame. "Dragon's breath." Endevour nodded. "For Aunt Rei, a little helper." The King said before summoning a snow golem.

Rei cooed as she patted the snowman on his pumpkin head. "How the hell does that even function?" Nezu asked as as the snow golem slid across the floor, leaving a trail of frosted carpet. "I think I'll call him... Yuki." She said as Yuki furiously waved his arms. "It's magic, uncle. Don't try and question it." Izuku said as Nezu looked at his nephew and nodded. "Oh, I got you an encyclopedia of my kingdom. I figured you would be pretty interested in our history and culture." Herobrine said as he handed a large book to Nezu. Nezu smiled before opening the book and taking a look through the pages. "For Uncle Mirai," Herobrine summoned a small green bird with red shoulders before placing him onto Nighteye's out stretched finger. "His name is Speedball." Herobrine stated as Nighteye raised an eyebrow. 

"HeLp! hElP! ThEy TuRnEd Me InTo A pArRoT!" The bird shouted as Nighteye burst into laughter. Herobrine smiled as he pulled out Speedball's cage and handed it to Sir Nighteye. Herobrine opened the bag once more before pulling out a bright blue gemstone attached to a string of smaller diamonds encased in gold chain. He handed the necklace to Mitsuki who gently took the jewelry with wonder in her eyes. "No earrings?" She asked cheekily. Izuku shrugged before reaching into the bag and pulling out Masarou's gift. "This is a compilation of Overworld's greatest songs by her best composers." He said before handing Masarou a set of discs. "They'll fit in any standard vinyl player." The Bakugou man bowed in gratitude.

"If I had known you had existed, Hanako, I would have brought you a dragon egg or something like that," Herobrine started only to be cut off by Mitsuki. "Izuku, she finally got to meet her father. I think that's the best gift you could have given her." She said as Herobrine nodded, hugging his daughter closer to his chest. "I had gifts for Uncle Aizawa and Hizashi and the rest of my real family, but they haven't shown up yet." He said as Bub peaked into the room. "Sir!" Herobrine and the rest turned and looked at the undead soldier. "Yes." "They made it across!"


Colonel Axel Grisley was a pillager. Not just any pillager, but the current leader of the Imperial Corps of Expedition. Herobrine had put him in charge of finding out what was on the other side of the Far Lands, knowing full well any other expedition had never returned. "You know, nobody has ever made it across." Everyone had told him. Well he had. His father, and his father before him had both perished on their own expeditions, but he had succeeded. "Skissom, my spyglass please." He asked his right hand man. Soon, he and his people would know what was beyond their own world.


Welcome to Terraria

Sorry if it's bad. Writer's block is a bitch. I'll try to update more often but no promises. Does anyone have any other video games they'd like me to incorporate into the story?

Herobrine: Izuku Yagi RebornWhere stories live. Discover now