Herobrine's Kingdom

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Does anyone want me to do a chapter on the governments of the Overworld, factions, it's military, and politics?

Herobrine stared down at the so-called hero with her foot on his queen's chest. Uwabami was one of his least favorite heroes, even when he was Izuku. Herobrine marched down the stairs before grabbing the snake hero by the face and throwing her away, before lifting the effect on the crowd. "So, you must be the leader of these villains." Kamui Woods spoke before approaching Herobrine and attempting to ensnare him, only for the King to electrocute the pro. "AAaaaAAAaAAAAaaAAAAAaAAAahhHHhhhHHhh!" Kamui screamed. "Let go of me right now. BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO CHARCOAL!" Herobrine said as white streaks of electricity spread over the wooden man. 

"Everyone, enough!" Present Mic shouted as Nezu climbed on top of Aizawa's head. "Everyone, calm down. Miruko, Death Arms, Mt Lady. These are my distinguished guests." The principal explained as the heroes slowly separated from Herobrine's people. "But they killed all those villains. We could have arrested them." "Miruko, please-" "No, let her finish." Herobrine said, walking up to her. "Please tell me how you planned on doing so." "Excuse me?" "You heard me. Explain to me how you planned on performing a rescue mission on a well protected stronghold for twenty four people, a great distance from each other. Not to mention, the one thousand three hundred and fifty villains armed to the teeth, waiting to kill anyone they got a hold of. These criminals, people with nothing to lose looking for their next fix of carnage, who would like nothing more than to tear the next generation of heroes to ribbons." "They wouldn't do that. The students would defend themselves until help arrived." "And how long would that have taken? Hmm? The alarm system was jammed and they would've had to wait for help for who knows how long. The heroes didn't even arrive until my men had already finished rounding up the villains. Now I can tell, just by looking at you that people have always assumed that you were weak simply because you were part rabbit. I've seen the decimation rabbits can do, so you have nothing to prove to me. You just want to prove to people that you're not weak. To get that sweet fix of knowledge that you were right, and the people who called you weak were wrong." Herobrine said as the rabbit hero silently fumed. 

He then gestured to the rest of the arresting heroes. "The rest of you are just here for the publicity or their next pay check. How any of you even got this far is beyond me." He turned to Kamui Woods. "Any idiot with a box of matches or an axe could beat you. And Big Arms." "My name is-" "You're shirt is wide open. No defense of vital organs." Death Arms looked down sheepishly as Herobrine continued insulting the false idols. "You're only a hero for your own ego. You make yourself a bigger target and every footstep you make triggers a geological event. Did daddy not give you enough attention, or is he still not back with the milk." He said jeering at Mt Lady, who started crying. 

He turned to Uwabami. "Are you a hero or a whore?" "Excuse me?" "You heard me. If you want to strut around while people practically throw money at you, become a stripper. Maybe then you might contribute to society." Herobrine said as Nezu and some of the parents held back laughter. "You can't talk to us that way. We're heroes." Woods said as Miruko nodded. "What have you done that makes you worthy of the title of hero?" "We've graduated from hero academies and fought villains." "First off, I'm pretty sure you either slept or bribed your way to graduation. Second, fought? You should be stopping villains. Not just fighting them, there's more than one way to stop a villain. And most of all, a hero isn't somebody who stops villains. A hero is somebody who saves people. A hero is somebody who comes through in times of need. Not someone who prances around in skintight spandex karate chopping jaywalkers in the face." Ingenium laughed, he had done something similar early in his career. "Who do you think you are to be talking to us like that?" 

"Herobrine, Emperor and High King of Overworld, King of the Collectivist Kingdom and Mycelia, High Duke of the Pillager Tribes, the Bastion Kingdom, and the End City state, Duke of the Nameless Kingdom and Archopolis, Lord of the Amoebic peoples, and Baron of Aranea. You may call me sir. Is that enough for you?" Herobrine said, stating his various titles. All of heroes present slowly turned to face Nezu, Nighteye, and Tsukauchi. Nezu nodded as the Detective stated the obvious. "He's telling the truth." Tsukauchi said as Death Arms, Kamui Woods, Uwabami, and Mt Lady looked on in horror. Suddenly, Miruko roundhouse kicked Herobrine in the face.


"Is this how Japan treats foreign leaders. Because this is the third time today I've been attacked, and heroes are supposed to set good examples." Herobrine said as Miruko clutched her broken foot. "You BASTARD!" She screamed as blood gushed out from where the broken bones had cut through the skin while Herobrine, his minions, and the UA staff made their way back inside. Bub paused for a moment before running over to Sir Nighteye and Tsukauchi. "Mr Sir, Detective. His Lordship requested that you invite the Todorkis and the Bakugo parents to meet him in Nezu's office. Minus the twins and the rabid child, of course." Bub said to Sir Nighteye and Tsukauchi as he followed his leader. "Sure thing." Sir Nighteye had said as he made his way over to Mitsuki and Masaru, the latter of which was gently bouncing Hanako in his arms. "Mitsuki, Masaru, good to see you again. Hanako, always nice to see you." He said as he patted the infant on the head. "I'm afraid there has been a bit of an incident involving your son and Herobrine." "YOU BRAT! What the Hell did you do this time?" "THAT VILLAIN TOOK ALL THE CREDIT!" Bakugo shouted as Mitsuki slapped him. "Have they been fighting often?" "Increasingly so. Ever since Katsumi was put in the institution, they've been at each others throats a lot more than usual." Masaru said as Sir Nighteye nodded. "Alright, can you and Mitsuki meet me in Nezu's office. You can bring Hanako, just leave the boy out here." Mirai said as the Bakugo couple nodded.

Tsukauchi greeted Endeavor and Touya as the parents picked up their children. "Detective." "Endevour. It seems Herobrine would like to speak with you and your family, minus the twins." "Alright, but why?" "It appears to have something to do with your son and dauchter's behaviour at the USJ." Enji sighed as he looked at his children, both of whom were chatting with Izumi. "Alright."

I don't own this flag. If anyone has any questions just ask. Also, what would you guys like to see more of? Violence, controversy, memes? Let me know in the comments. And do you want me to do a chapter about the Overworld's military systems. I have all the stuff written down for it and it will really help in the flashback sequences.

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